Damn finland is EXPENSIVE, paying 5.80Euros for a Pilsner Urquell are you kidding me last time in NYC I had one it was 7 bucks and that was at Mikey Jordans in Grand Central.. even a Coke at 2.2euros is out of control. So I will be glad when I am out of this place, which will happen at 630pm tonight as I take a ferry to Estonia. Sorry for bad typing, as these keyboards are different, I even tried to Google something and damn google is in finnish.
If ever in finland, dont try the Salmari, i think it translates as Black Death.. nah actually its Black Licorse. That is what I was doing shots of, at least they were a good value at 4.80Euros each.
The look on her face is like what is wrong with this tourist, I'm like they must not get enough Chappelle Show in Finland cause It's a Celebration Bitches!!
You would think this is the land of blondes, but actually alot of girls have redhair. I am sure its a dye job, but havent asked. Everyone is also very young and speak perfect English, so that is good when you are in a crowded bar trying to be understood.
I am trying to upload pictures, but so far cant find a computer with a USB port, i think I will have more luck in Estonia
Drink Up!
So, at 5.8 euros, how much did that Pilsner cost in dollars?
So, at 5.8 euros, how much did that Pilsner cost in dollars?
How many ml's was was the Pilsner? Then, after you tell me that, convert it to ounces for me please...I'm not from Texas.
5.80 Euro = 7.42987 USD
.. and Pilsner Urquell ain't even that good!?
Ayan, is there a way to get a real-time tracker on your blog? So we know exactly where you are? Like with a GPS? I want to see you make it to every country.
And get some new photos up! Why not try Photobucket.com?
5.8Euros is about 8 bucks. Pilsner is decent beer Curtis, come on man.. Cant wait till i get to Plzen in Czech republic, going to do a tour of the brewery there..
Kfitz, sorry no real time tracker, I dont have a chip in my head, or at least i hope not. Right now i am in a swanky mall in Old Town Tallinn. Looking at a waterfall in front of me, just making me wanna goto the bathroom.. which costs here... not a good thing for me..
And the Pilsner was the standard 330ml, about 12 ounces..
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