I am here in Salzburg, Austria. This is the Birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, he was born January 27, 1756, so this year marks his 250th Birthday and the city is having an all out, all Mozart party. There are museums, his birthplace, his first piano, the church he was baptized in all on exhibit. There are Mozart concerts, basically everyday all over the city. I was told the city is usually very proud of its most famous son, but this year especially has rolled out the red carpet big time. You can even buy Mozart chocolates. I didnt buy, but I have pictures of them, and will try to get pictures up soon if I can get some free internet access in the next few days. My pictures are about 1MB in size each and at the slow internet cafes, they take about 1 minute each to upload, so taking 40 to 50 pictures each city, well u can do the math.
The is a beautiful city, it sits at the Northern end of the Alps in a lovely valley. South of here you have tall snow capped(even in the summer) mountains between here and Udine, Italy. Salzburg is a canidate city for the 2014 Winter Olympics, now this is a shock to me, as the city is both compact and old, and I dont see where they would built the necessary facilities to host an olympic games. Also the public transportation ends at 1130pm, so that will have to be extended and expanded for sure, but who knows in 8 years the world might all be gathering in Salzburg, and if there are still NHL hockey players in the games, I would love to come back to this city.
It seems that my favorite cities on this trip are the ones that come as a total suprise to me. Cities like Luxembourg City, and Salzburg which I had not really done much research, but just visited and am amazed at the scenery. I showed up without any hostel reservations and after a few phone calls, found a place for only 19Euros a night with breakfast included. It was a bit on the outskirts of town, away from the center, so not a place I would want to spend 4 or 5 nights especially if I was partying in town, but for just the 1 night I have been here it was great. I met some great people and went to dinner, where else but staying at a Hostel could in a few minutes you meet a guy from Paraguay who was in europe traveling for a month and then went to the World cup for a month and now is ready to go home, his first trip ever to Europe.. along with a just graduated Northwestern University theatre major, who is rushing her way thru 3 weeks in europe, before starting a job in NYC working for a theatre company on a newly opening broadway show. We walked around the old town, and had a nice dinner outside at a cafe. This city is perfect for outdoor eating, as the streets dont have car traffic, no busses, no horns, sirens, or pollution, just a nice relaxing outdoor dinner, try that on Amsterdam Avenue sometime...
The Beer is great here, Salzburg is right on the german border, so that culture rubs off for sure. Despite thought in my head of Austria being very expensive, its in some ways cheaper than germany, that could be cause of the jacked up prices in Germany for the World Cup. I had a great Edelweiss beer for lunch, a wheat beer(they dont put lemon in theirs, i guess its pure enough already) and it was only 3.5Euros for a full half liter, so Finland u and your almost 6Euro Pilsner gets a big FU. The weather on the other hand here changes by the minute. When I arrived yesterday it was HOT and sunny, i was sweating and saying once I get to hostel I have to change into short sleeve shirt. Then the skies opened up and it rained hard for 45 minutes, after that it cleared out and was decent evening. Same thing this morning, it was raining and thundering overnight, and then rained most of the morning, but when 10am hit and I was out to explore the city, it had cleared up... Now around 1600, i felt a few sprinkles and ducked into this internet cafe hopeing whatever might come down will pass. I guess living in such a valley surrounded by mountains the weather can change in an instant.
This seems like a good party city, as right on the Salzach River(one of the fastest moving-current rivers i have ever seen), on both the old town and new town side there are plenty of bars. In fact I am going to go and try to find this one place Carpe Diem, that looked like a pretty cool afterwork joint when I leave here and hang out till my night train leaves. Oh yeah for u old movie buffs, the Sound of Music was filmed here, and there are lots of tours to the actual hill, or house used in the movie, naturally i didnt go on that, but its an option out there. I did take the elevator to the top of the Monchsberg Hill and the view was amazing, at least 200 or 300 meters up, and that was not even the highest hill, but it was only 1.80Euros to the top, where as the castle was 10Euros, naturally u know what I choose, more euros for beer!!
Well this evening is my first night train, 10hrs to Hamburg Germany, basically I will be traveling the full south to north length of the country. I opted just to pay extra for a reclining seat, as having almost taken one night train to prague, u never know what kind of neighbors u are going to get in a sleeper compartment. Not going to risk paying 24euros to have smelly or big time snoring people in a tiny compartment. Let me tell u while german trains are nice, gone are the days of thoughts of romantic train rides in sleeper compartment with 3 course meals in the dining car.. now its trying to find a smoke free area that people know what a bath is. At least there are no rules on what u can bring onboard, its BYOB for sure, so I hope to have a few bottles of beer to make the night either more fun, or easier to sleep. Catch ya from northern Germany!!!
One man and his trip to the 2006 World Cup and his quest to have a beer in every country in Europe! Next up the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, and still more beer in more places.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
A few Videos
I have been taking alot of videos on my digital camera, but due to time and internet constraints they are hard to upload. Yet here are 2 that I uploaded last night, hope these can keep people busy while I am about to take a 5hr train ride to Salzburg, Austria later today. Hopefully weather will be nice and I'll get some nice pictures of the mountains. Also I hear the Beer is good in Salzburg, as its close to the German border, so should be worth the trip. Another country, another beer down.
Here is a video of the Aussies singing their National Anthem before the Italy game.
And here is a video of a group of Brazilian drummers marching thru the streets of Kaiserslautern after the Italy vs Australia game. They were pretty damn amazing I must say, and had been drumming all day long, as I heard them outside the stadium some 5 or 6 hours earlier.
Here is a video of the Aussies singing their National Anthem before the Italy game.
And here is a video of a group of Brazilian drummers marching thru the streets of Kaiserslautern after the Italy vs Australia game. They were pretty damn amazing I must say, and had been drumming all day long, as I heard them outside the stadium some 5 or 6 hours earlier.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
More Pictures Posted
I dont think anyone is looking at the Fotki pictures, other than Curtis. But I uploaded another 100 or so pictures today, from Frankfurt, Barcelona, USA vs Ghana, Prague, and Italy vs Aussie. So check them out.
Also just a possible request out there, anyone want to Catsit my 2 lovely cats from July 15th to 30th. Someone reliable needed, you get full run of my apartment, and its shockingly not dirty, as I've contracted to my sister to clean it before she runs off to Montreal and leaving my cats to fend for themselves.. You just need to feed them, change box once a week, and you can spend the rest of your time watching my DVDs, listening to my CDs, and drinking my beer(wait, i drank it all before I left, my bad..) contact me if interesting in the job...
Also just a possible request out there, anyone want to Catsit my 2 lovely cats from July 15th to 30th. Someone reliable needed, you get full run of my apartment, and its shockingly not dirty, as I've contracted to my sister to clean it before she runs off to Montreal and leaving my cats to fend for themselves.. You just need to feed them, change box once a week, and you can spend the rest of your time watching my DVDs, listening to my CDs, and drinking my beer(wait, i drank it all before I left, my bad..) contact me if interesting in the job...
Socceroo for a Day
Last night I went to the Italy vs Australia match in Kaiserslautern. My initial plan was to sell my ticket, as the Kaiserslautern stadium brought back the bad memories of the USA vs Italy game. Plus the stadium simply sucks, one thing the Americans can teach the Germans is about stadium design and how to get people in and out efficiently and quickly. For a country that loves to talk about its great train system, supersafe autobahn, the fact is only 1 stadium of the 3 I have been to so far has been efficient, and that was in Nuremberg. The Kaiserslautern stadium is built on top of a mountain, no seriously. You have to HIKE up about 250 stairs, about a 2km long hike, probably honestly 500meters above the street level. Then for the World Cup they have seperated things into 4 colors(yellow, red, green,blue) they say to help with crowd control, but honestly its made a mess of the whole getting in and out. I have been to many sports events in the USA, and never would it take over an hour to clear out 46,000 people from a stadium. All the complaining we might do at Yankee Stadium at the end of a game, and the narrow aisles coming down from the Upper Deck is NOTHING compared to a german soccer stadium. I would not want to think what would happen if a stampede, or riot broke out after the game, everyone would die on top of the mountain..
Anyway I digress about stadium design. The market for tickets outside games can be soft or good, yesterday it was soft, and i'm not a professional at reselling tickets, most of the time I get burnt. Anyway I was not going to give up my tickets for a measly 150euros, or sell to a professional scalper, who would then turn and make a buck. I tried to find an Aussie fan who needed a ticket, but after a few hours I was like lemme just goto the game, World Cup is only every 4 years. I am very glad I went, I knew I was going to be in the Aussie section, and I even placed a small 6 Euro bet on Aussie winning, and the socre being 2-1, would have paid a nice 100 Euros, good drinking money, but as you know that didnt happen.
The Aussie section was awesome. plain and simple, people brought in blow up Kangeroos, Sharks, everyone was dressed in Green and Gold, I tried to find an aussie jersey in town, and all I could find was a simple yellow/gold t-shirt for 5 Euros, but at least I felt I fit in colorwise. The National Anthem was a sight to be held, everyone aussie sang and sang out loud, the pride was just amazing. By far the loudest anthem i've ever heard, previously it was O Canada, at a 2004 World Cup of HOckey game in Montreal, Canada vs Slovakia, and i must say since I know a few words of O! Canada i joined in. Sadly I didnt know any of the Aussie anthem so I just shot a video of them singing, I will try to post, but with slow internet access over here, pictures are tough enough, videos take forever.
Anyway, the game. Aussie played well, very well, Italy had more pure goal scoring chances with Luci Toni, having at least 3-4 good attempts in the first half. Yet Aussie dominated the ball control. In the 2nd half, another dirty Italian was sent off with a straight red card in the 50th minute. So now 1 man down, I figured Aussie would take it to Italy, they did, but just simply couldnt finish. They had lots of balls in the box, but instead of shooting, made bad passes, towards the end of the 2nd half a few good free kick/corner chances with a header going just high. Still the Aussie fans were cheering, chanting, including my favorite chant "Your Blue, Your White, Your going home tonight!!!" towards the italians and their uniforms.
The Ref sucked, plain and simple. Its a shame that the story of this World Cup so far has been the Refs, like the NFL these refs are not professional refs, and have other jobs ranging from airline pilots, to tire salesmen, to water engineers. Its a shame the the biggest sporting event in the world, doesnt use full time professional Refs. While the NFL has a good accountability system for their Refs, reviewing basically every play after the game, FIFA has nothing of the like. It seems like once you are elected a Ref to the World Cup, nothing can change, you cant be fired mid tournament. The President of FIFA even critized, in fact CALLED OUT, the ref from the Portugal vs Netherlands game, yet the Russian will probably get another assignment in the tournament for all I know..
You simply cannot call a Penalty shot with 12 seconds left in injury time. Can't be done, unless its totally BLATENT, like a man going in on a break away and being tackled, pulled down, punched in the head.. But for a questionable play like an Italian tripped over an already downed aussie, calling a penalty to decide the game is just simply WRONG, SICKENING, i cant think of the words to describe it. Other than its clear you can buy a Ref and fix as game in the Italian League, I guess the reach of La Costra Nosta reaches FIFA and the World Cup. I doubt that Spanish ref will be taking a vacation to Australia anytime soon.
The loss was shocked, the Aussie fans sat in the stands for 30 minutes stunned. I was shocked, it took an hour for the steps to the stadium to clear out, and even then it was crowded getting down the mountain to town. Yet in town, at night the party was alive, I had never seen such a small town, Kaiserslautern i think has a population of 40,000 at most, fill up with people. There was easily 3-4 times as many people in the streets of the town then were at the game, in fact I met some Aussies who traveled 15hrs from Cardiff, Wales to get to K-town in time just to watch the game on the big screen in town.. I wanted to party all night, but had a 1hr train ride back to the place I'm staying and felt terrible about waking up the sleeping girl who needs to work today as I didnt have keys.
I was going to travel to Austria today, but I'm dead tired, so I'll rest up here in Mannheim, and then attempt a 5hr train ride followed by a 8hr ride up to Hamburg where I have a ticket for the Friday game of Italy vs Ukraine, but already have ZERO desire to goto that game, and will either sell at face or simply eat the ticket and watch the game in main town center where the party is really at..
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Week in Pictures Review
Just a few samples of pictures from the past week. I know these are small and resized, when they get up on Fotki they will be full sized.
Sagrada Famila in Barcelona Spain, been working on for over 100 years, and still have a while to go
Frank Gehry Fish in Barcelona near the beach, really an interesting sculpture in person
You should not be allowed to be this Beautiful at 3am at a bus station in Barcelona. That is my new Bolivian friend, Tatiana on the right.
GW Bush you are not loved anywhere in the world, just go away, far away NOW
Some lovely Swiss fans in Prague watching the Swiss beat South Korea and move on to the second round. No current plans to goto Swiss, but wow those ladies might change ones mind
The National Musuem in Prague, lovely building, sorry didnt go inside as was enjoying the beer outside too much, next trip for sure.
Half way point
Well not really offically halfway, but its been almost a month since I took off from NYC. I am currently back in Germany, in Mannheim staying for a few days before I head off to Salzburg, Austria. Austria was not on my initial June travel plans, but I've heard rave reviews of it so figure work the railpass out. The railpass has been great, and my slick NYC sense of mind has known how to get free rides. Today for example there was the England vs Ecuador game in Stuttgart, I arrived in Stuttgart and the train ride was 31Euros to Mannheim, i knew the train would be packed with people and especially drunk Brits coming from the game, sure nuff it was and only 35 minutes on the ICE(Super fast awesome train), there was no time for the inspectors to get around, so basically everyone rode for free... Anyway now a top 10 list of sorts from the first month. Been to 12 Countries, handled 7 different currencies, and stayed in some 11 different hostels. Here goes some thoughts
1. Biggest Suprise. By far Luxembourg City blew me away, I didnt know too much about it, and given the size of Luxembourg my guide book didnt say too much. Yet when I arrived I knew the city was something special, definately a must go back and spend some time sort of place. It has lovely scenery, lush green trees set in a valley with the main city up high and the houses/apartments set down in the valley. For such a small population of 84,000 you would never feel it, as the city comes alive on a Friday. The Hostel I stayed at was top class, almost like a Hotel feel to it, very clean and nice and only 20bucks a night.
2. Biggest Disappointment. Tallinn, Estonia. Sadly it again could have been the overhype job that I had heard about before I left. Between being on the Maxim hot places to visit, reading and seeing pictures of the famous Club Hollywood with parties all night, and stories of tons of blond women just roaming everywhere I was expecting more. Now not to say its not a great place, the old town is very nice, the beers are cheap and selection is good, but somehow didnt live up to the hype, yet met some really cool people.
3. Best Hostel. By far the Argonaut in Riga, Latvia. I will in fact write a more detailed review of this place, but in terms of location to bus station, bathroom sitution, security keycard, and people staying there plus great staff, this stands out as the best Hostel so far. the one in Luxemoburg is a good runner-up for sure, didnt spend enough time to really take advantage of all it could be.
4. Worst Hostel. This is almost a tough catagory as every place so far has provided with me a safe and cheap bed. Yet the Hostel in Amsterdam just wasnt up to snuff. Between the bunkbeds that were too low so in the bottom bunk you easily banged your head. The location was close to the main train station, but anyone who has been to amsterdam knows the Central Station is basically right in the middle of the red light district, while its a totally safe area. All of the late night craziness it made it hard to sleep unless you just simply stayed up all night. Plus getting sick as a dog, and spending every 30 minutes in the middle of the night in the bathroom didnt make for much fun.
5. Best Beer. By far Prague, hands down. Between tasty brews, cheap prices, and overall availbility everywhere you went Prague wins. While there are only 4 or 5 main brands of beer, Budweiser Budvar, Gambrinus, Pilsner Urquell, Staroprem its not Belgium by any means, but the beer they have is good. And nothing like going to the top nightclub in town and paying less than 2 bucks for a beer, try that in NYC where your Heine will be 9 bucks.
6. Best Food. This is tough, being the super cook I am, i have missed the hell out of being able to make my own food. I dont eat out much in NYC, so being forced to eat out everyday has been tough for sure. In many ways the best meal I had is when I was in Warsaw, went to the supermarket used the point and nod method to buy steak and cooked up some steak, onions and potatoes in the kitchen at the hostel. Also must say had a good authentic meal in Latvia that was on point. Still as this trip continues I will be doing more cooking of my own, cause while I am not a super picky eater, they just dont make the stuff the same as back home.
7. Friendliest People. Germany doesnt really count as during the World Cup its been great, have stayed with super cool stranger met off the internet/housing web boards and some have not charged me, some have picked up me from train staion and all have been great. So excluding the Germans, the people in Prague were very helpful and the Latvian people were also very nice and helpful.
8. Most interesting Travelers. For sure the Aussies take this cake. In every hostel there are aussies, they travel the world, for months at a time, they have a funny accent, they love to drink, they tell great stories, they are great great people. I have actually seen so many aussies between traveling and also here in Germany for the World Cup, i joke with them that when I finally get to visit Australia who will be there to hang out with since you are always traveling the world.
9. Worst Sight Traveling. This hands down goes to drunken british tourists, usually they are on a stag weekend. The whole image of the so called Ugly American Tourist is nothing compared to a group of drunken, pale white hairy arsed brits. The stag parties are so bad in Riga, the lovely latvian women stay away from bars/clubs on the weekends to avoid the stags. Also saw many stags in Prague, yet it seems the Czech women, or really I should say girls as they all seem young, took a liking, a SERIOUS liking if you know what I mean to the foreigners mostly brits. Every nook and corner of the club was a makeout session like at your high school dance.
10. Looking forward to most. Well coming up in the month of July, I will be able to travel a bit more free with less restriction on getting back and forth to germany, my schedule is open with only a few scheduled flights. For the countries I am most looking forward to Croatia, hanging in Italy with Toto, and the Black Sea beaches in Romania/Bulgaria.
Alright, just a little review of the past month. I am at friends house in germany with seemingly good internet, so hopefully i can upload the next 100 megs or so of pictures in the next few days, keep an eye on the Fotki site, and i'll let you konw when more is up.
1. Biggest Suprise. By far Luxembourg City blew me away, I didnt know too much about it, and given the size of Luxembourg my guide book didnt say too much. Yet when I arrived I knew the city was something special, definately a must go back and spend some time sort of place. It has lovely scenery, lush green trees set in a valley with the main city up high and the houses/apartments set down in the valley. For such a small population of 84,000 you would never feel it, as the city comes alive on a Friday. The Hostel I stayed at was top class, almost like a Hotel feel to it, very clean and nice and only 20bucks a night.
2. Biggest Disappointment. Tallinn, Estonia. Sadly it again could have been the overhype job that I had heard about before I left. Between being on the Maxim hot places to visit, reading and seeing pictures of the famous Club Hollywood with parties all night, and stories of tons of blond women just roaming everywhere I was expecting more. Now not to say its not a great place, the old town is very nice, the beers are cheap and selection is good, but somehow didnt live up to the hype, yet met some really cool people.
3. Best Hostel. By far the Argonaut in Riga, Latvia. I will in fact write a more detailed review of this place, but in terms of location to bus station, bathroom sitution, security keycard, and people staying there plus great staff, this stands out as the best Hostel so far. the one in Luxemoburg is a good runner-up for sure, didnt spend enough time to really take advantage of all it could be.
4. Worst Hostel. This is almost a tough catagory as every place so far has provided with me a safe and cheap bed. Yet the Hostel in Amsterdam just wasnt up to snuff. Between the bunkbeds that were too low so in the bottom bunk you easily banged your head. The location was close to the main train station, but anyone who has been to amsterdam knows the Central Station is basically right in the middle of the red light district, while its a totally safe area. All of the late night craziness it made it hard to sleep unless you just simply stayed up all night. Plus getting sick as a dog, and spending every 30 minutes in the middle of the night in the bathroom didnt make for much fun.
5. Best Beer. By far Prague, hands down. Between tasty brews, cheap prices, and overall availbility everywhere you went Prague wins. While there are only 4 or 5 main brands of beer, Budweiser Budvar, Gambrinus, Pilsner Urquell, Staroprem its not Belgium by any means, but the beer they have is good. And nothing like going to the top nightclub in town and paying less than 2 bucks for a beer, try that in NYC where your Heine will be 9 bucks.
6. Best Food. This is tough, being the super cook I am, i have missed the hell out of being able to make my own food. I dont eat out much in NYC, so being forced to eat out everyday has been tough for sure. In many ways the best meal I had is when I was in Warsaw, went to the supermarket used the point and nod method to buy steak and cooked up some steak, onions and potatoes in the kitchen at the hostel. Also must say had a good authentic meal in Latvia that was on point. Still as this trip continues I will be doing more cooking of my own, cause while I am not a super picky eater, they just dont make the stuff the same as back home.
7. Friendliest People. Germany doesnt really count as during the World Cup its been great, have stayed with super cool stranger met off the internet/housing web boards and some have not charged me, some have picked up me from train staion and all have been great. So excluding the Germans, the people in Prague were very helpful and the Latvian people were also very nice and helpful.
8. Most interesting Travelers. For sure the Aussies take this cake. In every hostel there are aussies, they travel the world, for months at a time, they have a funny accent, they love to drink, they tell great stories, they are great great people. I have actually seen so many aussies between traveling and also here in Germany for the World Cup, i joke with them that when I finally get to visit Australia who will be there to hang out with since you are always traveling the world.
9. Worst Sight Traveling. This hands down goes to drunken british tourists, usually they are on a stag weekend. The whole image of the so called Ugly American Tourist is nothing compared to a group of drunken, pale white hairy arsed brits. The stag parties are so bad in Riga, the lovely latvian women stay away from bars/clubs on the weekends to avoid the stags. Also saw many stags in Prague, yet it seems the Czech women, or really I should say girls as they all seem young, took a liking, a SERIOUS liking if you know what I mean to the foreigners mostly brits. Every nook and corner of the club was a makeout session like at your high school dance.
10. Looking forward to most. Well coming up in the month of July, I will be able to travel a bit more free with less restriction on getting back and forth to germany, my schedule is open with only a few scheduled flights. For the countries I am most looking forward to Croatia, hanging in Italy with Toto, and the Black Sea beaches in Romania/Bulgaria.
Alright, just a little review of the past month. I am at friends house in germany with seemingly good internet, so hopefully i can upload the next 100 megs or so of pictures in the next few days, keep an eye on the Fotki site, and i'll let you konw when more is up.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Prague, Impress Me...
I am waiting on Prague to impress me. While its true that I arrived yesterday after 2 simply horrible travel days, with the USA losing to Ghana stuck in the middle, so far this city that I have been so anxious to visit has yet to blow me away. I have seen rats in the street, garbage piled up and homeless sleeping in the street. I guess that EU 19% tax hasnt trickled its way down to public programs yet.. While there are no skyscrapers, and there are buildings here older than the entire USA history, it feels like NYC in a way..
The Subways are decent at least, very deep, in fact the deepest subways I have seen in a long time. CMG yes there are cute girls here, but nothing like the thoughts of supermodels on every corner. Anyway its saturday in NYC, i know no one is reading, everyone is sleeping off hangovers, its a nice day, so I am going to fight the sleep deprivation of the last few days and hit the town and see and hope it impresses me.. But you know I'll be in front of a TV at both 1700 and 2100 to watch the first of the knockout stage games
edit.. Ok now after an afternoon wandering around HOT(and i mean temp, its like 29 degrees here probably) Prague, i give it a better view. While maybe my expectation on this city were too high it is a lovely place. For 2 years now, I have wanted to goto Prague, i learned all of the most important 3 czech words(beer please, thank you, your a babe) and yet I have yet to use them as everyone here speaks english basically. The Royal Gardens and Hradcany(Prague Castle) are immense and offer a great view of the city from the other side of the Vltava River.
Getting lost in the old town is a good thing, as the streets seem to just go in circles and then you realize hey i've been down here before and you get a decent sense of direction. Again my superior almost built in GPS in my head has allowed me with my Map to pretty much find anything.. well except Jaromir Jagr's Sports bar, you know I had to make a trip here to give respect and props to nubmer 68 the Rangers MVP if not the league MVP this past season.
The beer is incredibly cheap, i have paid at most 60 Kr, but usually in the 25-40 KR range, and its currently 1USD is 22Kr, so lots of beers under a buck, and this is quality Czech beer, Gambrinus, Staropram, Pilsner Urquell(F U Finland), and others.
Despite all the Czech supermodels, I had an idea in my head that like it would like a heaven of supermodels just walking around the streets, well that is not the case, but the girls are generally pretty.. Lithuania still takes the cake, Vilnius is almost like heaven with tall, young supermodels to be just walking around. I have taken a few pics as i know the Pervs out there(not naming any names, but you know who you are) want to see the Czech lovelies. Will upload when I get some decent internet access back at the hostel if they have a USB port.
Alright my 20 minutes on the internet for a buck are almost up, and gametime is in 1hr, go Germany!!!
The Subways are decent at least, very deep, in fact the deepest subways I have seen in a long time. CMG yes there are cute girls here, but nothing like the thoughts of supermodels on every corner. Anyway its saturday in NYC, i know no one is reading, everyone is sleeping off hangovers, its a nice day, so I am going to fight the sleep deprivation of the last few days and hit the town and see and hope it impresses me.. But you know I'll be in front of a TV at both 1700 and 2100 to watch the first of the knockout stage games
edit.. Ok now after an afternoon wandering around HOT(and i mean temp, its like 29 degrees here probably) Prague, i give it a better view. While maybe my expectation on this city were too high it is a lovely place. For 2 years now, I have wanted to goto Prague, i learned all of the most important 3 czech words(beer please, thank you, your a babe) and yet I have yet to use them as everyone here speaks english basically. The Royal Gardens and Hradcany(Prague Castle) are immense and offer a great view of the city from the other side of the Vltava River.
Getting lost in the old town is a good thing, as the streets seem to just go in circles and then you realize hey i've been down here before and you get a decent sense of direction. Again my superior almost built in GPS in my head has allowed me with my Map to pretty much find anything.. well except Jaromir Jagr's Sports bar, you know I had to make a trip here to give respect and props to nubmer 68 the Rangers MVP if not the league MVP this past season.
The beer is incredibly cheap, i have paid at most 60 Kr, but usually in the 25-40 KR range, and its currently 1USD is 22Kr, so lots of beers under a buck, and this is quality Czech beer, Gambrinus, Staropram, Pilsner Urquell(F U Finland), and others.
Despite all the Czech supermodels, I had an idea in my head that like it would like a heaven of supermodels just walking around the streets, well that is not the case, but the girls are generally pretty.. Lithuania still takes the cake, Vilnius is almost like heaven with tall, young supermodels to be just walking around. I have taken a few pics as i know the Pervs out there(not naming any names, but you know who you are) want to see the Czech lovelies. Will upload when I get some decent internet access back at the hostel if they have a USB port.
Alright my 20 minutes on the internet for a buck are almost up, and gametime is in 1hr, go Germany!!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
USA so called dream is over
Well the USA soccer team is on the way home. Thankfully I dont have to follow them home, as now my trip should start to get fun. The last 3 weeks while I have seen alot, getting back and forth to games has taken a bit of a toll. Now I will be more free after the 26th(have ticket for i guess what will be Italy vs Australia, probably will sell it), I will be able to just wander europe at my own pace. The USA performance was embarassing, scoring only 1 goal of their own in the tournament, and not looking like a team ready to play with the rest of the world. Too many times we had the ball with space right outside the 18yard box and tried to make these stupid fancy cute passes, if u need to score goals, u need to shoot, plain and simple.
Hopefully in the next 4 years, more USA players can get to play in europe and increase their skill level, also if the MLS continues to thrive young players will realize u dont have to be a baskteball, baseball or other sport athlete in order to be a true sucessful professional.
Again this will be a short post, at an internet cafe and tired and hungry after the game, plus I want to watch the late 2100 games to see if Brazil has hit their groove yet, if not watch out Ghana could pull off a huge upset in the round of 16, they look like a young hungry team with not a care in the world, and upsetting Brazil would put them on the world soccer map.
Next post will hopefully be from Prague, land of beer, hockey and supermodels
Hopefully in the next 4 years, more USA players can get to play in europe and increase their skill level, also if the MLS continues to thrive young players will realize u dont have to be a baskteball, baseball or other sport athlete in order to be a true sucessful professional.
Again this will be a short post, at an internet cafe and tired and hungry after the game, plus I want to watch the late 2100 games to see if Brazil has hit their groove yet, if not watch out Ghana could pull off a huge upset in the round of 16, they look like a young hungry team with not a care in the world, and upsetting Brazil would put them on the world soccer map.
Next post will hopefully be from Prague, land of beer, hockey and supermodels
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Give me a Damm Beer!!
I can´t tell you how many times after going into a crowded NYC bar, being 4 deep in line at the bar to order and being passed over by other loud pushy people, i´ve wanted to just say GIVE ME A DAMN BEER. Well here in Barcelona you can order one and not come across as rude, as the name of the most popular beer here is DAMM. Its a good beer, still this is a city and country of wine, yet the beer is acceptible. I had 2 of these, and they came in frozen frosty mugs(an extra .60 euro charge, unknown to me but worth it).
Of all the cities I´ve been to so far, this is the city with the most tourists, it almost feels overrun by tourists, you hear english everywhere you go. Going from the extremes of Lithuania, where people were staring at the american black tourist and very intrigued as to why I would come from USA the so called promise land to visit, to everyone seems to decent on Barcelona. College kids just graduated waiting for either a job or graduate school, Aussies on world travels, London working folks here for a weekend, even whole families. The weather has not been as great as I expected, yesterday was overcast the whole day, while warms temps about 26 or 26, still not sunny and beach worthy. Today was suppose to be bright sun, but I was awoken this morning to a pouring rain, the rain has stopped and hopefully the sun can burn thru these clouds, as there are some sights I still want to see, and the beach here was voted the best Big City beach in the world a few years ago, I dont think it can compete with South Beach Miami, but I will give it a go if the weather holds.
This is also a city of museums, and while I picked out a few I wanted to visit, so did all the other tourists and instead of being cramped in there, i opted just to walk around the city and see it on foot. With only a couple of days here its not possible to even begin to hit all the museums much less the popular ones like the Picasso etc, so i will have to come back on a less crazied pace in the future. This evening I fly back to germany, arrive near midnight and then take a 7am train to Nuremberg for the last USA world cup game vs Ghana, then onto Prague for the weekend, which I am sure will be totally overrun by tourists, but its all good as the Pivo(Beer) is suppose to be world class and will keep me happy.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Another International Sandwich

Hopefully you wont find pictures of me between 2 americans hopefully on this trip.. and this is no exception, that is Yazmin(Columbia) me(american) and Kate(Aussie).. the picture runing dude in the backround, while he was part of our posse.. dude when i get home you are so photoshopped out of the picture!!!!
Monday, June 19, 2006
Just 2 Images
Just 2 images while i have easy free, english keyboard internet access at the hostel. I will get them up hi rez on the fotki site when I get a chance, but night is about to get going here in BCN its 1934 and the spain game is at 2100.
Now that is a TV. Suppose to be worlds largest screen, 160 Meters square, not sure how many inches that is. Made by Phillps. I wonder if they sold it how much they would chrage, Rhine river not included. This is was from the end of the Brazil vs Aussie game viewed at the public area in Frankfurt. Its amazing how Brazil fans are everywhere, no way more than half of the people in brazil colors there were actually from Brazil, but everyone loves them. I must say in the past I have rooted for them, but now i´m in strict underdog mode
Are you kidding me, an outdoor McDonalds cafe on La Ramblas in Barcelona.. Who in their right mind in a city of food would eat there, oh yeah fat americans, my bad.. Evil Corporate america gone worldwide...
Updated GetJealous Map
one thing about this trip, is the day of the week is forgotten until its a monday in a city that parties nonstop Thur thru Sunday and usually in Europe most of the musuems are closed on Monday.. Still plenty to do in Barcelona and tonight at 2100 Spain is playing against Tunsia, always great to be in the home country to watch a home game.
I barely know where I am, so for you at home following along I know its tough. Check out my updated map atGet Jealous Map of Trip
Hope that link works, cause while on a standard USA keyboard right now, dont have patience to mess with bad HTML code..
I barely know where I am, so for you at home following along I know its tough. Check out my updated map at
Hope that link works, cause while on a standard USA keyboard right now, dont have patience to mess with bad HTML code..
Good Morning from Barcelona
Good morning USA, I am writing to you from the beautiful Spanish City of Barcelona. So far I have only seen the beauty riding the subway, but as its already 28 degrees and not even noon, I think the beach is in store for the day. If you know me well, you know I love the TV show the Amazing race, well this trip already has convinced me I doubt I am yet cut out to be a contenstant on that, as lugging a heavy backpack around and then having to bungee jump that required a bit more energy than I can see to muster, yet todays travel adventure was about as close to an episode of the Amazing Race as I have experience yet.
Started out with a 3am wakeup call, after maybe 2 hours of sleep curled into a loveseat in the room of the cool Germans who let me stay for free. I didnt want to get into the bed as I knew it would be way too comfy and hard to wake up. In the pitch darkness of night(gosh I actually miss the midnight sun now) went to catch a cab, at the cab stand the guys were sitting around playing cards and said they would call one for me, I was like yeah dont interrupt your high stakes poker game for a measly 5 euro fare, sorry I bother you at 3am. Anyway this former member of the East German swim team pulls up in a 528i Bimmer(I have to say all the taxis overseas are much nicer than our yellow piles of junk) and takes me to the main train station. Just then it starts to rain, first rain i´ve seen in Germany, didnt last long and was able to hide under a covered bus stop. Bus comes to the airport right on time at 405am, I pass out sleeping so no idea of the countryside, but awake at a former USA military base converted into an airport called Frankfurt Hahn, now calling this anything close to Frankfurt is a joke, as its about 100km from Frankfurt, that would be like calling the Islip airport NY East Airport. Anyway does the bus let you off in front of the terminal.. no... it lets you off a nice 400m walk from it, no biggie, I got energy.
Now thankfully since Ryanair operates more than 1 flight from this airport it was well organized and check in was broken up by flight, with 2 lines each. So it was a breeze, checked in, had some breakfast tea and crossiant(I know i´m not in france, whatever..) and passed thru security no breeze, despite having to take off my belt and jeans almost falling down, a result of this nasty alien stomach invasion I picked up in amsterdam. Now Ryanair packs them in on the flight, almost no leg room, if you are taller than 6 feet, whoa be prepared to kiss your knees the whole flight. 33 rows of 6 wide on a Boeing 737. I guess they have to pack them in, since they basically give away all their fares, my airfare for the RT was 2.04Euros(more on that later, taxes are a bitch). Again slept the whole flight, very easy. Got to Barcelona on time, well not really barcelona, airport was in Girona a nice 70km ride outside of Barca. Anyway plenty of scheduled airport busses to take us to Barcelona. Easy ride, more sleep. Now in Barcelona picked up a map, figured out the Metro deal and felt like NYC, when the first train pulled up and it was full of people. My NYC skills managed to squeeze me on and not hit anyone with the backpack, now down to 14.1kg..
Walked a big circle to find the Hostel, but the Hostel is very nice, friendly people, only 20 capacity so not fully stuff. Already was talking to a french canadian guy from Montreal, the world is really a small place..
Warning on flying the european discount airlines, sometimes its the little things you dont see that can cost as much as the big things. My flight roundtrip from Germany to Barcelona on Ryanair was a total of 42Euros(2 for the flight, 29 in taxes, 10 in some aviation levy, 1 in CC fee), still not a bad deal considering a train ticket from amsterdam to brussels is about 30 euros. Yet since Ryanair flights from off market airports that are not connected to germany or other country rail system you have to take busses, and these busses are a monopoly. It will cost me about 10 Euros each way to get from city to airport. So that is 40Euros only in busfare just to get to airports for these flights at ungodly hours.. This is the fine print you dont read or know when you jump at the offers you see on their webpage of flying anywhere in europe for 2euros roundtrip.. Alright, off to see this great city, no time to rest, sleep when i´m dead.
Started out with a 3am wakeup call, after maybe 2 hours of sleep curled into a loveseat in the room of the cool Germans who let me stay for free. I didnt want to get into the bed as I knew it would be way too comfy and hard to wake up. In the pitch darkness of night(gosh I actually miss the midnight sun now) went to catch a cab, at the cab stand the guys were sitting around playing cards and said they would call one for me, I was like yeah dont interrupt your high stakes poker game for a measly 5 euro fare, sorry I bother you at 3am. Anyway this former member of the East German swim team pulls up in a 528i Bimmer(I have to say all the taxis overseas are much nicer than our yellow piles of junk) and takes me to the main train station. Just then it starts to rain, first rain i´ve seen in Germany, didnt last long and was able to hide under a covered bus stop. Bus comes to the airport right on time at 405am, I pass out sleeping so no idea of the countryside, but awake at a former USA military base converted into an airport called Frankfurt Hahn, now calling this anything close to Frankfurt is a joke, as its about 100km from Frankfurt, that would be like calling the Islip airport NY East Airport. Anyway does the bus let you off in front of the terminal.. no... it lets you off a nice 400m walk from it, no biggie, I got energy.
Now thankfully since Ryanair operates more than 1 flight from this airport it was well organized and check in was broken up by flight, with 2 lines each. So it was a breeze, checked in, had some breakfast tea and crossiant(I know i´m not in france, whatever..) and passed thru security no breeze, despite having to take off my belt and jeans almost falling down, a result of this nasty alien stomach invasion I picked up in amsterdam. Now Ryanair packs them in on the flight, almost no leg room, if you are taller than 6 feet, whoa be prepared to kiss your knees the whole flight. 33 rows of 6 wide on a Boeing 737. I guess they have to pack them in, since they basically give away all their fares, my airfare for the RT was 2.04Euros(more on that later, taxes are a bitch). Again slept the whole flight, very easy. Got to Barcelona on time, well not really barcelona, airport was in Girona a nice 70km ride outside of Barca. Anyway plenty of scheduled airport busses to take us to Barcelona. Easy ride, more sleep. Now in Barcelona picked up a map, figured out the Metro deal and felt like NYC, when the first train pulled up and it was full of people. My NYC skills managed to squeeze me on and not hit anyone with the backpack, now down to 14.1kg..
Walked a big circle to find the Hostel, but the Hostel is very nice, friendly people, only 20 capacity so not fully stuff. Already was talking to a french canadian guy from Montreal, the world is really a small place..
Warning on flying the european discount airlines, sometimes its the little things you dont see that can cost as much as the big things. My flight roundtrip from Germany to Barcelona on Ryanair was a total of 42Euros(2 for the flight, 29 in taxes, 10 in some aviation levy, 1 in CC fee), still not a bad deal considering a train ticket from amsterdam to brussels is about 30 euros. Yet since Ryanair flights from off market airports that are not connected to germany or other country rail system you have to take busses, and these busses are a monopoly. It will cost me about 10 Euros each way to get from city to airport. So that is 40Euros only in busfare just to get to airports for these flights at ungodly hours.. This is the fine print you dont read or know when you jump at the offers you see on their webpage of flying anywhere in europe for 2euros roundtrip.. Alright, off to see this great city, no time to rest, sleep when i´m dead.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
I know this is suppose to be about the Beers...
Spotty internet access has definately limited what I wanted to do with this blog, so if you are hanging in there, more power to you. I have been keeping notes and taking pictures for sure. Where I am now, staying with 2 awesome german guys, who are semi computer nerds, so they have a nice fast machine, hopefully this evening I can get up the first a few posts that I have archived. Yet its time for a quick overview, sans pictures on this page, but the pictures are over on my Fotki site, so check out the Link in the links section.
Finland. Beer is Olu, the local brew I had was a Karhu, for 4.80Euros I was definately expecting something better, but then Finland is just so damn expensive. A decent beer, but nothing to write home about.
Estonia. Beer is Olu also, as Estonian Langugue is based more finnish than russian. Had 2 popular local beers. A. Le Coq for 35EEK(around 3 USD), and Saku for 30 EEK. Both very nice golden pilsner style beers, tasty and went down easily. A man could live on these easily.
Latvia. Beer is Alus. Most popular local brew seems to be Cesu, this is what I am drinking in the Prince Black Sweat strip club video. It is 2 LVL(3.5USD) at the pole dancing place so that is a bargin, try that in Vegas or NYC, where u can pay 9 USD for a bud light. Its a good beer. You can probably buy it at a bar for even less than 2 LVLs. The hostel I was in, was selling 16 ounce cans of something with a Z for just .60LVL(that is 1.07USD for those of u not on xe.com) and it was much better than PBR, Natty Light, Milwaukees Best
Lithuania. Beer is Alus again. Seems that Kalnapilis is the most popular. Cost was 8 LTL at Prospekto Pubas(review of this fine place, coming one day soon), that is 3USD. A very tasty pilsner beer, again man could easily survive on this and bread alone. Another popular drink is Fizz this is a Pear Cider, but must say it was very weak, probably around 2.5% alch content, yet it is dirt cheap at 3.5LTL (1.25USD) and very tasty, doesnt pack the punch of a US Cider, but glad to see the concept has made it overseas.
Poland. Tyskie seemed to be the beer of choice my night in Warsaw. The bar I was at, i think it was the only one on tap. People would add raspberry syrup to it for extra flavor, i drank mine straight. Good beer, 9Zl in price, or 3 USD. I have heard polish beer has more to offer I will be back
Germany. Too many to describe here. Basically every place has their own brew, so far the witte beer has been a favorite of mine. Among the Becks, they have a Green Lemon that is tasty on a hot summer day at the beach and a Becks Gold that can be described as Light beer. This is a beer country and they around proud. Mention of my past employment at Budweiser draws hisses from people, as they are angry at the WC games its the only beer sold inside, evil corporate sponsorship!
Belgium. Again one could write a whole blog just about Belgian beer, one that was new to me that stood out this time was the Mystic, a wittebeer with Cherries, this was just simply delicious, I could see this as a replacement to Port for after dinner drinks
Netherlands. Well we all know Heineken, and its all over the place, yet the price swings widly from 4 or 5 euros in red light district, to 2euros away from tourist traps. Other dutch beers are Amstel(and not talking Light all u ladies and carb counters), Grolsch, and more. Dutch are proud of their beer, but i think more proud of their weed.
Luxemboug. This city-country has really impressed me. The beer I had was Bofferding, a very good deal at 3.5Euros for .5liter. It was a golden pilsner, tasty and good. I will come back to visit this country for sure and see what else they have available.
Next up this week are Spain, where i am more likely to drink sangria-wine than beer, and Czech republic where its all about the Pivo baby!!
Finland. Beer is Olu, the local brew I had was a Karhu, for 4.80Euros I was definately expecting something better, but then Finland is just so damn expensive. A decent beer, but nothing to write home about.
Estonia. Beer is Olu also, as Estonian Langugue is based more finnish than russian. Had 2 popular local beers. A. Le Coq for 35EEK(around 3 USD), and Saku for 30 EEK. Both very nice golden pilsner style beers, tasty and went down easily. A man could live on these easily.
Latvia. Beer is Alus. Most popular local brew seems to be Cesu, this is what I am drinking in the Prince Black Sweat strip club video. It is 2 LVL(3.5USD) at the pole dancing place so that is a bargin, try that in Vegas or NYC, where u can pay 9 USD for a bud light. Its a good beer. You can probably buy it at a bar for even less than 2 LVLs. The hostel I was in, was selling 16 ounce cans of something with a Z for just .60LVL(that is 1.07USD for those of u not on xe.com) and it was much better than PBR, Natty Light, Milwaukees Best
Lithuania. Beer is Alus again. Seems that Kalnapilis is the most popular. Cost was 8 LTL at Prospekto Pubas(review of this fine place, coming one day soon), that is 3USD. A very tasty pilsner beer, again man could easily survive on this and bread alone. Another popular drink is Fizz this is a Pear Cider, but must say it was very weak, probably around 2.5% alch content, yet it is dirt cheap at 3.5LTL (1.25USD) and very tasty, doesnt pack the punch of a US Cider, but glad to see the concept has made it overseas.
Poland. Tyskie seemed to be the beer of choice my night in Warsaw. The bar I was at, i think it was the only one on tap. People would add raspberry syrup to it for extra flavor, i drank mine straight. Good beer, 9Zl in price, or 3 USD. I have heard polish beer has more to offer I will be back
Germany. Too many to describe here. Basically every place has their own brew, so far the witte beer has been a favorite of mine. Among the Becks, they have a Green Lemon that is tasty on a hot summer day at the beach and a Becks Gold that can be described as Light beer. This is a beer country and they around proud. Mention of my past employment at Budweiser draws hisses from people, as they are angry at the WC games its the only beer sold inside, evil corporate sponsorship!
Belgium. Again one could write a whole blog just about Belgian beer, one that was new to me that stood out this time was the Mystic, a wittebeer with Cherries, this was just simply delicious, I could see this as a replacement to Port for after dinner drinks
Netherlands. Well we all know Heineken, and its all over the place, yet the price swings widly from 4 or 5 euros in red light district, to 2euros away from tourist traps. Other dutch beers are Amstel(and not talking Light all u ladies and carb counters), Grolsch, and more. Dutch are proud of their beer, but i think more proud of their weed.
Luxemboug. This city-country has really impressed me. The beer I had was Bofferding, a very good deal at 3.5Euros for .5liter. It was a golden pilsner, tasty and good. I will come back to visit this country for sure and see what else they have available.
Next up this week are Spain, where i am more likely to drink sangria-wine than beer, and Czech republic where its all about the Pivo baby!!
Like Kissing your step-sister
I dont have any step anything so the title is not from experience, but just my thoughts. Totally torn on the result of the USA vs Italy game, the USA was the much superior team, and things looked great from the Ghana drubbing of Czechs earlier keeping the USA hopes alive, to the much better early start to the game. The Italian red card in the 28th minute only added to my hopes. Yet in the end it was 1pt for each team. The USA is still alive, on Thursday with an Italy win vs Czech republic and a USA win vs Ghana the USA would move on to the next round. The chances of this happening, well Ghana totally whipped the ass of the same Czech team that whipped our ass, so i am not too hopeful that we can compete with Ghana. They will be missing one of their better players due to yellow cards, but I have a feeling there are more good players on their bench willing to fill in and become a national hero.
Overall performance of the USA team was much better than the past game, I guess coach Arena ripped everyone a new asshole and it worked. Benching DaMarcus Beasley could have been a wakeup call as he had a goal disallowed by one of the diving italians as the foul was called a few second before he shot. Not starting Eddie Johnson or even bringing him into the game shocked me, he was one of the few signs of life during the Czech game. Eddie Lewis should have played instead of Pope, Pope has been just simply horrible, I have yet to se him complete a pass. John Obrien, i guess not fit enough to get in there, he is a good passer and would have liked to see him in there. Claudio Reyna, total stud, despite age and potentially not being 100% he was able to control the game at midfield and gave his full effort. Landon Donovan, hmmm tough call on this early in game he had many chances to shoot and was looking for cute little passes that didnt pay off, later in the game he seemed to be in the flow. Yet I still have to argue that if Donovan wants to improve his skills he needs to leave the comforts of his dog, beach house, girlfriend, family and friends in california and play in europe. It doesnt have to be germany which he hates, it could be another country but he is never going to get any better playing in the MLS. He is at the age, 24, where if he doesnt improve soon, he might not make the 2010 WC Roster.
The Italians, we were outnumbered in the stands again as always. And even people from other nations were cheering for them. I have yet to see anyone from outside the USA cheer for the USA team, the germans were cheering for Italians, i even saw some Norwegians wearing norwegian jerseys with italian flags on their face. If u nkow the history of the Norway vs Italy in the winter olympics cross-country skiing this is the LAST thing I would expect to see. I guess no one really does like America... see what you have done Mr. G. W Bush... The Italians are a bunch of cry baby bitches, simply put. I love Italy, i love the food, the people, but their football players are better divers than the swim team. They would go down, and while not saying it might not have hurt, 2 minutes later after being taken off on a stretcher they were back on the field running around again. I would hope to never see an American player resort to those tactics.
The Refs, oh my gosh it appears the Italians have the influence to buy referees not only in their own country in Serie A league, but also in the World Cup. Just horrible performance in terms of calling fouls, the red on Mastroeni while I have not seen the replay I was told was red cardable. The first yellow and then second yellow on Pope, no way either one. While I dont want Pope on the field again this tournament for the USA this is not the way I want to see him go off.
Anyway its a lazy sunday, another beautiful day with temps probably near 30 degrees. Going to spend a few hours on the internet catching up and uploading pictures to my Fotki site and then head to Frankfurt and watch the Brazil vs Australia game on the Rhine river viewing area, I hope the hot brazilian fans show up.
Overall performance of the USA team was much better than the past game, I guess coach Arena ripped everyone a new asshole and it worked. Benching DaMarcus Beasley could have been a wakeup call as he had a goal disallowed by one of the diving italians as the foul was called a few second before he shot. Not starting Eddie Johnson or even bringing him into the game shocked me, he was one of the few signs of life during the Czech game. Eddie Lewis should have played instead of Pope, Pope has been just simply horrible, I have yet to se him complete a pass. John Obrien, i guess not fit enough to get in there, he is a good passer and would have liked to see him in there. Claudio Reyna, total stud, despite age and potentially not being 100% he was able to control the game at midfield and gave his full effort. Landon Donovan, hmmm tough call on this early in game he had many chances to shoot and was looking for cute little passes that didnt pay off, later in the game he seemed to be in the flow. Yet I still have to argue that if Donovan wants to improve his skills he needs to leave the comforts of his dog, beach house, girlfriend, family and friends in california and play in europe. It doesnt have to be germany which he hates, it could be another country but he is never going to get any better playing in the MLS. He is at the age, 24, where if he doesnt improve soon, he might not make the 2010 WC Roster.
The Italians, we were outnumbered in the stands again as always. And even people from other nations were cheering for them. I have yet to see anyone from outside the USA cheer for the USA team, the germans were cheering for Italians, i even saw some Norwegians wearing norwegian jerseys with italian flags on their face. If u nkow the history of the Norway vs Italy in the winter olympics cross-country skiing this is the LAST thing I would expect to see. I guess no one really does like America... see what you have done Mr. G. W Bush... The Italians are a bunch of cry baby bitches, simply put. I love Italy, i love the food, the people, but their football players are better divers than the swim team. They would go down, and while not saying it might not have hurt, 2 minutes later after being taken off on a stretcher they were back on the field running around again. I would hope to never see an American player resort to those tactics.
The Refs, oh my gosh it appears the Italians have the influence to buy referees not only in their own country in Serie A league, but also in the World Cup. Just horrible performance in terms of calling fouls, the red on Mastroeni while I have not seen the replay I was told was red cardable. The first yellow and then second yellow on Pope, no way either one. While I dont want Pope on the field again this tournament for the USA this is not the way I want to see him go off.
Anyway its a lazy sunday, another beautiful day with temps probably near 30 degrees. Going to spend a few hours on the internet catching up and uploading pictures to my Fotki site and then head to Frankfurt and watch the Brazil vs Australia game on the Rhine river viewing area, I hope the hot brazilian fans show up.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
USA vs Italy Today. 3pm ABC
this is the usa last chance. another lovely day here in the south of germany, clear skies, probably 22 degrees, the game is 2100 local so it might cool down a bit. If the USA does not adapt and play better, might as well pack it up and go home. Well unless Ghana can pull an upset over the awesome lookign Czechs in the early game, looks like Italy and Czech will go thru.. yet if Ghana wins and USA wins, all teams will have 3 pts and only the goal differential will seperate them. I am not as positive as I was against the Czechs, while Italy is not as good of a team, they are still world class
ok Keeping this short as i want to catch a 1557 direct train to the tiny town of kaiserslautern, over 100000 USA miltary are in that area, so hopefully they show up for the pre game rally cheer if not the game itself. I am still waring my USA flag, doing my best black Capt America. Peace Out
ok Keeping this short as i want to catch a 1557 direct train to the tiny town of kaiserslautern, over 100000 USA miltary are in that area, so hopefully they show up for the pre game rally cheer if not the game itself. I am still waring my USA flag, doing my best black Capt America. Peace Out
Friday, June 16, 2006
A few pictures from past days
There was a USB port on this computer, so managed to get 3 pictures uploaded, here ya go for your viewing pleasure
Me doing my best Captain America-Steve Rodgers impersonation at the USA vs Czech game in Gelsenkirchen, yes those are american flags on my face if u can zoom in, my sister didnt think I would do it, Milan you owe me...
All I know or remember about this picture is it was taken at 246am in Amsterdam, i guess I saw 2 hot girls and demanded they take a picture with my drunk azz, gotta say they look good for that hour, and i seem like i am able to walk.. maybe they gave me the alien virus that later invaded my stomach and knocked me down for a whole day..
Diamonds from Sierra Leone. Antwerp is the diamond capital in trade of the world, the whole city around the station is packed with places selling diamonds allegedly at lower than wholesale. I doubt that, but you can probably get a good deal over here if u know your stones.
Luxembourg is very cool
Hi yall.. again sorry for the late post but another day of traveling to get to luxembourg. Dont sleep on this tiny country of 84,000 people. It feels like alot more, plenty of open squares, outdoor cafes and thankfully have left the crap weather of Belgium-Netherlands. Today when I arrived at 1700, it was 23 degrees, sunny, not a cloud in the sky. Just watched Cote D,Ivorie vs Netherlands and sadly another african team bites the dust, I guess no African cinderallas this year, now they will go back to civil war and more death.
I know its Friday at like 3pm on the east coast so most people arent in the office, looking to head to hamptons, jersey shore or whatever. if u can watch the USA last chance 2morrow vs Italy, unless we can adjust our game, I give us no hope and we could score 0 goals and leave here the 30 of 32 team ranked. Serbia is probably the worst team getting killed by Argentia 6 to zip today.
Almost on a standard keyboard, better than yeterday, this is a german one as the Z and Y are reversed, so not that bad for typing as u rarely use the Z only the Y. Just to show the dedication, have had 2 beers, Luxembourg native Bofferding, .5l for only 3.6Euro not bad. And yet I walked a while to find the only internet cafe, it closes at 2000, so gotta make this post quick.
No USB port on this machine, as i have tons more pictures to upload, from Gelsenkirchen game vs Czech, plus the beach in Essen where i tanned a bit, plus from Amsterdam and Belgium and now Luxembourg. I always thought of Lux as a rich place, but prices are actually cheaper than rest of Euro currency countries as there is no 18% automatic VAT tax, this is a tax free country, i guess u can thank those investment bankers and their money laundering operation.
So much for the so called group of Death in group C. Netherlands and Argentina are clearly the better teams leaving Serbia and a valient but not strong enough Cote D,Ivorie(sorry cant find correct puncutation on this keyboard). No real group has shown any seperation between top 2 teams and bottom 2 teams, with alot of groups being totally decided by game 2. USA vs Italy 2morrow has a chance if somehow in hell Bruce Arena can outcoach italy. I say start EJ, leave freakin DMB on the bench he was crap, leave Convey in there, find someone to replace Pope on the backline as his passes were going no where and get Lewis more into the rush, he might have the best leg, but we will see.
Alright, my stomach is feeling a bit better, but not going to take it too tough, alot of train travel 2morrow to get back to germany, yet its friday and i hear this city has some wicked nightlife and actually some lovely women, must be the mix of french, dutch, belgium, germany all thrown into a mix.. Peace Out
I know its Friday at like 3pm on the east coast so most people arent in the office, looking to head to hamptons, jersey shore or whatever. if u can watch the USA last chance 2morrow vs Italy, unless we can adjust our game, I give us no hope and we could score 0 goals and leave here the 30 of 32 team ranked. Serbia is probably the worst team getting killed by Argentia 6 to zip today.
Almost on a standard keyboard, better than yeterday, this is a german one as the Z and Y are reversed, so not that bad for typing as u rarely use the Z only the Y. Just to show the dedication, have had 2 beers, Luxembourg native Bofferding, .5l for only 3.6Euro not bad. And yet I walked a while to find the only internet cafe, it closes at 2000, so gotta make this post quick.
No USB port on this machine, as i have tons more pictures to upload, from Gelsenkirchen game vs Czech, plus the beach in Essen where i tanned a bit, plus from Amsterdam and Belgium and now Luxembourg. I always thought of Lux as a rich place, but prices are actually cheaper than rest of Euro currency countries as there is no 18% automatic VAT tax, this is a tax free country, i guess u can thank those investment bankers and their money laundering operation.
So much for the so called group of Death in group C. Netherlands and Argentina are clearly the better teams leaving Serbia and a valient but not strong enough Cote D,Ivorie(sorry cant find correct puncutation on this keyboard). No real group has shown any seperation between top 2 teams and bottom 2 teams, with alot of groups being totally decided by game 2. USA vs Italy 2morrow has a chance if somehow in hell Bruce Arena can outcoach italy. I say start EJ, leave freakin DMB on the bench he was crap, leave Convey in there, find someone to replace Pope on the backline as his passes were going no where and get Lewis more into the rush, he might have the best leg, but we will see.
Alright, my stomach is feeling a bit better, but not going to take it too tough, alot of train travel 2morrow to get back to germany, yet its friday and i hear this city has some wicked nightlife and actually some lovely women, must be the mix of french, dutch, belgium, germany all thrown into a mix.. Peace Out
Thursday, June 15, 2006
The Belgian Beer Man has landed
Sorry for lack of posts, but while in Ansterdam something has invaded my stomach and is winning the battle. Made it to Van Gogh musueum, but the cats had to wait as spent most of the day in bed or in bathroom. Ok enough detials. Working on another non-standard keyboard here with the letters a,w,m,z,y all in different places. From now on I will have to check the keyboard before I sit down at 2.5Euros per hour.
So currently in Antwerp Belgium. While I have spent plenty of time in Brussels in the past, first time in Antwerp, so far I like it with plenty of cafes for drinking the best beer in the world(well i can say that now as i have not been to prague yet, that is coming later this month). Ok thanks for hanging in there, this keyboard is driving me crazy, so I am going to go and try to get my stomach back to normal, so I can enjoy some Maes, De Konick, Palm, Westmalle and all the other great beers.
So currently in Antwerp Belgium. While I have spent plenty of time in Brussels in the past, first time in Antwerp, so far I like it with plenty of cafes for drinking the best beer in the world(well i can say that now as i have not been to prague yet, that is coming later this month). Ok thanks for hanging in there, this keyboard is driving me crazy, so I am going to go and try to get my stomach back to normal, so I can enjoy some Maes, De Konick, Palm, Westmalle and all the other great beers.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Don't Breathe
That is what you have to do in the Netherlands, basically walk around with a scuba tank strapped to your back. Anytime you try to breath in, you basicially well get weed smoke. At least where I'm staying, I'm at a hostel literally right in the middle of the party area, they have tight security thankfully and you have to show your orange card to get buzzed in.. once in, you are right in the middle of a bar.. So much for the thought of Henieken being cheap here, i paid anywhere from 4.5Euros to 6Euros(it was half a liter so bigger than the normal beer). I guess prices are probably cheaper outside the tourist trap area
At least the keyboard on the internet and brower are in full ENGLISH! YEAH! Germany switched the Z and Y key, so my touch typing skills were interrupted. Todays plans include getting rid of the 78 or so guilders i've found lying around my house and in my dad's awesome europe coin box, should get about 36 euros for that basically what my hostel is for 2 nights. Also plan on hitting the Van Gough, Rembrant and Heineken musuems, there is a cat museum here so that might also be a stop for someone like me..
Watched the World Cup games last night, and actually suprised that Brazil only scored 1 goal. Hell Czech Republic went crazy on our asses, actually alot of Croatia people were in the bar watching so that was cool, since that is surely one of the stops I must make in July when the Cup is over. They have one of the best jerseys for sure in the cup, the checkboard pattern. Overall amsterdam is crazy, alot of americans here, a far cry from Lithuania where I aside from the stares, I literally had people touching my skin wondering if it would rub off. My skin is about a shade darker now, as I spent the morning yesterday in Germany at the beach, who would have thought that, a lovely sand beach in the middle of Germany. They imported in tons of real sand from the carribean, something the french should think about doing as those black rocks in the south of france, far hardly qualify for a beach.
Props to my road dog, no names, you know who you are. Love ya babe, next round on me!!
At least the keyboard on the internet and brower are in full ENGLISH! YEAH! Germany switched the Z and Y key, so my touch typing skills were interrupted. Todays plans include getting rid of the 78 or so guilders i've found lying around my house and in my dad's awesome europe coin box, should get about 36 euros for that basically what my hostel is for 2 nights. Also plan on hitting the Van Gough, Rembrant and Heineken musuems, there is a cat museum here so that might also be a stop for someone like me..
Watched the World Cup games last night, and actually suprised that Brazil only scored 1 goal. Hell Czech Republic went crazy on our asses, actually alot of Croatia people were in the bar watching so that was cool, since that is surely one of the stops I must make in July when the Cup is over. They have one of the best jerseys for sure in the cup, the checkboard pattern. Overall amsterdam is crazy, alot of americans here, a far cry from Lithuania where I aside from the stares, I literally had people touching my skin wondering if it would rub off. My skin is about a shade darker now, as I spent the morning yesterday in Germany at the beach, who would have thought that, a lovely sand beach in the middle of Germany. They imported in tons of real sand from the carribean, something the french should think about doing as those black rocks in the south of france, far hardly qualify for a beach.
Props to my road dog, no names, you know who you are. Love ya babe, next round on me!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Amsterdam... anything you want..
so after a long day of travel finally made it to Amsterdam. Wow, its not what I remember from that last time I was here as a just turned 18 minor. Right now i'm sitting in the back room of a bar, drinking a Grolsh, listening to reggae, not trying to breathe as the smoke is HEAVY... I was like ok in amsterdam, I want a beer, internet and a nekkid girl.. didnt get the nekkid girl, but got a bunch of US Stoners, rolling up and lighting their stuff.... I need to go out on the canal..
Finally everything is in english. the keyboard, the Mozilla, the blogger dot com, everything.. 2morrow i will surely upload pictures from both the USA game and Amsterdam.. First stop Reimebrant musuem, yeah gotta get some cultue, next stop is Henneken Experience, not cheap at 10 Euros, but shit an average beer here is 5 Euros.. so much for the days of 2 Euro beers.. but then again, i'm staying in the heart of the party/red light district.. sleep tonight is going to be tough, but as I always say I'll sleep when I'm dead.. or on a train...
Buy me a beer bitches!!! its not cheap here.. Pk.com first props out to ya.. go Yanks
Finally everything is in english. the keyboard, the Mozilla, the blogger dot com, everything.. 2morrow i will surely upload pictures from both the USA game and Amsterdam.. First stop Reimebrant musuem, yeah gotta get some cultue, next stop is Henneken Experience, not cheap at 10 Euros, but shit an average beer here is 5 Euros.. so much for the days of 2 Euro beers.. but then again, i'm staying in the heart of the party/red light district.. sleep tonight is going to be tough, but as I always say I'll sleep when I'm dead.. or on a train...
Buy me a beer bitches!!! its not cheap here.. Pk.com first props out to ya.. go Yanks
Well not what I thought
Sorry for the late post today, but last night sucked. The USA got RUN, i mean RUN out of the building, both in fan support, while we were 5000 strong, the czechs were like 25,000 strong.. I dont have anything against the Czech republic either, in fact I love it. A country that has the highest consuption of Beer per person in the world, the best hockey Players in the world, and the hottest supermodels.. But last night I was digusted. The USA simply didnt show up. No one, we were out coached, outplayed, and losing 0 to 3, means even if we wind up with 4 pts, we will probably lose on Goal Differential. After the Italy vs Ghana Game, where Italy won 2 to 0, the USA should just pack the bags.. only Turkey has lost opening game and then gone on to 2nd round. While I will still have hope, last night watching italy beat Ghana hurt, cause the USA next game is vs Italy, if both teams were with 0 pts, it would hae been a fight to the death for the valuable 3 pts, not now, Italy will play one of their famous 0 to 0 draws..
Anyway right now in Duisberg Train station, as my connection to the Amsterdam train was delayed and missed it. have 2 hrs to kill, but its not bad, the station has a casino with internet, a bar where 3 small 200ml beers was a total of 4Euro, and other food, so time can get killed.. I will be in Amsterdam hopefully in time for the Brazil vs Croatia game.
Just as a passing quick note as I dont want to miss this train and have to wait another 2hrs. the atmosphere last night was the best I have ever been to. The USA fans while only 5000 strong were united, I bought a flag and got 2 tattoos on my face. We took over a bar in Gelsenkirchen train station and it was all USA, broke out in the National Anthem between buying tons of beer. Saw people dressed as Capt America, Evil Knevil, Elvis.. everything.. Also caught up with Brooks from SportsbyBrooks.com and Drew of Fark.com cool guys coming over here just for 1 game. If Brooks had his girls dressed up as Wonder Woman, it might have easily caused a Riot.. When I get better internet and time, i will post pictures including one of me draped in an American flag, probably the only time u will ever see that..
Tonight, real Henieken, football and whatever else Amsterdam has to offer. On the beginning of a 3 country, 4 day tour.. belgium and Luxembourg are also on the list, will update my GetJealous.com map soon.. Back in Germany on the 17th for USA vs Italy.. Peace
Anyway right now in Duisberg Train station, as my connection to the Amsterdam train was delayed and missed it. have 2 hrs to kill, but its not bad, the station has a casino with internet, a bar where 3 small 200ml beers was a total of 4Euro, and other food, so time can get killed.. I will be in Amsterdam hopefully in time for the Brazil vs Croatia game.
Just as a passing quick note as I dont want to miss this train and have to wait another 2hrs. the atmosphere last night was the best I have ever been to. The USA fans while only 5000 strong were united, I bought a flag and got 2 tattoos on my face. We took over a bar in Gelsenkirchen train station and it was all USA, broke out in the National Anthem between buying tons of beer. Saw people dressed as Capt America, Evil Knevil, Elvis.. everything.. Also caught up with Brooks from SportsbyBrooks.com and Drew of Fark.com cool guys coming over here just for 1 game. If Brooks had his girls dressed up as Wonder Woman, it might have easily caused a Riot.. When I get better internet and time, i will post pictures including one of me draped in an American flag, probably the only time u will ever see that..
Tonight, real Henieken, football and whatever else Amsterdam has to offer. On the beginning of a 3 country, 4 day tour.. belgium and Luxembourg are also on the list, will update my GetJealous.com map soon.. Back in Germany on the 17th for USA vs Italy.. Peace
Monday, June 12, 2006
USA vs Czech Republic. ESPN2 11:55am EST
Well the real purpose of this trip is going to happen today. The first USA World Cup game against the heavily favored Czech Republic. 4 years ago at this time, the USA were again big underdogs to Portugal and managed to beat them and have a fairly sucessful World Cup run. I expect today to be no different. While a win would be tremendous, a tie would be reason to party. Basically in the first round, no team(other than Turkey 2002) has lost their first game and made on to the next round. Picking up 1 pt is a start, 3 pts and you are out ahead of the pack. Do I think its possible... yes I do a few reasons to follow
The Czechs are OLD, at least in soccer terms, many of their star players are over 30 years old. Case in point Pavel Nedved 33, Jan Koller 32, Karel Poborsky 34, Tomas Galasek 33. Today in germany it is HOT, about 82 degrees probably at game time. In the games played yesterday it was obvious the heat was taking a toll on the older players. In the Dutch game, the goalie, freaking goalie who doesnt have a run was cramping up at the end of the game, Edwin Van Der Sar is 35 years old, Ruud Van Nistelrooy was ineffective and subbed out in the 70th minute, age 30. The star of the game was the young 23 year old legs of Arjen Robben. Also in the Portugal game 21 year old Cristian Ronaldo who was all over the field. So in this heat the USA youth prevails.
Another issue is injuries, up to this game, there have been reports of many of the star Czech Players being hurt and wont be able to play. I will believe it when I see it on the pitch today. Looking at the USA teams youth and relatively injury free seasons, we should be able to run up down and around the Czechs, just hope we can get someone to finish off the chances. Look for 24 year olds Landon Donovan, DaMarcus Beasley, Oguchi Onyewu, along with even younger Bobby Convey, Eddie Johnson and Clint Dempsey(as a sub, no way he will start), to be able to run thru the Czech defense. Its almost impossible to predict who will score goals, but my bets on are Beasley and Convey.. Looking for a 2 to 1 USA victory, with a late goal in the 75th minute sending us to victory.
The World cup fever here is simply amazing. Last night went up to Dusseldorf to hang out at the Altstadt. It is like 5 streets, closed off to car traffic and bustling with resturants and bars of all sorts. From microbreweries to food from all over the world. It was a warm night, so tons of people were out. Even managed to find an Argentine steakhouse and had an excellent Bife de Chorrizo, it was good while not melt in your mouth Buenos Aires good, still damn good. Tons of cool USA soccer fans were out, talked to a bunch of them, most are going to the game, so we should have a decent cheering section, will still be outnumbered by the Czechs, but it wont be embarassing hopefully.
While germany has done great things in terms of getting people around town with the train system, I can see some signs of strains at the cracks. It was suppose to take 30 minutes to get from where I am in Essen to Dusseldorf, it took 1hr between a delayed train and it running slowly. Yet on the way home, it was a very efficient trip, taking the UBahn, or basically our subway to the main train station and then a long distance train. Even at midnight covered the 30km in about 45 minutes, more than can be said for a late sunday night on the lower east side waiting on the damn F train to take me to the 2 Train, that trip home can take over an hour, and its less than 6 miles. Today should be interesting to see how they get 40,000 fans into the stadium efficiently, pictures I have seen from other games, shows basically a mob scene at the main station. I will be getting to the game early.
Anyway I hope everyone who can will watch the game today, its on ESPN2 at noon eastern, that is 9am for my Cali folks. I fully expect all my east coast folks to be taking a long lunch break and watching the whole game, it will be over by 2pm. Cali folks, just show up late, or dont show up at all.. Look for me, as i will probably be the only skinny black guy with his face painted red, white and blue and waving a flag, if that doesnt get me some ESPN airtime I dont know what will.. GO USA!! USA!! USA!!
The Czechs are OLD, at least in soccer terms, many of their star players are over 30 years old. Case in point Pavel Nedved 33, Jan Koller 32, Karel Poborsky 34, Tomas Galasek 33. Today in germany it is HOT, about 82 degrees probably at game time. In the games played yesterday it was obvious the heat was taking a toll on the older players. In the Dutch game, the goalie, freaking goalie who doesnt have a run was cramping up at the end of the game, Edwin Van Der Sar is 35 years old, Ruud Van Nistelrooy was ineffective and subbed out in the 70th minute, age 30. The star of the game was the young 23 year old legs of Arjen Robben. Also in the Portugal game 21 year old Cristian Ronaldo who was all over the field. So in this heat the USA youth prevails.
Another issue is injuries, up to this game, there have been reports of many of the star Czech Players being hurt and wont be able to play. I will believe it when I see it on the pitch today. Looking at the USA teams youth and relatively injury free seasons, we should be able to run up down and around the Czechs, just hope we can get someone to finish off the chances. Look for 24 year olds Landon Donovan, DaMarcus Beasley, Oguchi Onyewu, along with even younger Bobby Convey, Eddie Johnson and Clint Dempsey(as a sub, no way he will start), to be able to run thru the Czech defense. Its almost impossible to predict who will score goals, but my bets on are Beasley and Convey.. Looking for a 2 to 1 USA victory, with a late goal in the 75th minute sending us to victory.
The World cup fever here is simply amazing. Last night went up to Dusseldorf to hang out at the Altstadt. It is like 5 streets, closed off to car traffic and bustling with resturants and bars of all sorts. From microbreweries to food from all over the world. It was a warm night, so tons of people were out. Even managed to find an Argentine steakhouse and had an excellent Bife de Chorrizo, it was good while not melt in your mouth Buenos Aires good, still damn good. Tons of cool USA soccer fans were out, talked to a bunch of them, most are going to the game, so we should have a decent cheering section, will still be outnumbered by the Czechs, but it wont be embarassing hopefully.
While germany has done great things in terms of getting people around town with the train system, I can see some signs of strains at the cracks. It was suppose to take 30 minutes to get from where I am in Essen to Dusseldorf, it took 1hr between a delayed train and it running slowly. Yet on the way home, it was a very efficient trip, taking the UBahn, or basically our subway to the main train station and then a long distance train. Even at midnight covered the 30km in about 45 minutes, more than can be said for a late sunday night on the lower east side waiting on the damn F train to take me to the 2 Train, that trip home can take over an hour, and its less than 6 miles. Today should be interesting to see how they get 40,000 fans into the stadium efficiently, pictures I have seen from other games, shows basically a mob scene at the main station. I will be getting to the game early.
Anyway I hope everyone who can will watch the game today, its on ESPN2 at noon eastern, that is 9am for my Cali folks. I fully expect all my east coast folks to be taking a long lunch break and watching the whole game, it will be over by 2pm. Cali folks, just show up late, or dont show up at all.. Look for me, as i will probably be the only skinny black guy with his face painted red, white and blue and waving a flag, if that doesnt get me some ESPN airtime I dont know what will.. GO USA!! USA!! USA!!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
The Trip so Far
So far I must say this trip has been a bit more grueling that I had expected. This could just be first week adjustments, or the fact the bag weighs in at 14.7kg, and I plan on getting that down soon. I have some old Dutch Guilders and Spanish coins in my bag that I am taking to the central bank to convert into Euros. I have to exchange the Guilders before Jan 1, 2007, so this was my only chance to take them with me. I think when I get in the groove of things, it should be easier, and for sure the pace of 6 countries in just 10 days so far will slow down. So far the travels were like this
Trip 1. British Airways Flight. JFK to LHR, then LHR to HEL. Cost $0, 32500 Frequent Flier miles. Easiest part of journey, my first ever flight on British Airways and for coach class I was impressed for sure.
Trip 2. Tallink Ferry. Helsinki to Tallinn, Estonia. Cost 25Euro. Length 3hrs. Overall an ok ride, the boat was impressive with shopping areas, food, gambling, drinking. But since I did not have a place for bag storage I just stayed in one area.
Trip 3. Bus from Tallinn to Riga, Latvia. Cost 200EEK approx $16USD. Length 6hrs. Should have been a 4hr troip on the express bus, but I had to take the local as the express was sold out, I learned my lesson about buying tickets in advance from this. The bus was nice, a nice modern bus, with bathroom, very comfortable for sure.
Trip 4. Bus from Riga to Vilnius, Lithuania. Cost 7LVL, approx $14USD. Length 4Hrs. Perfect trip, not too long, bus was crowded towards the end and some people had to stand up, but again a nice modern bus.
Trip 5. Bus from Vilnius to Kaunas, Lithuania. Cost 16LTL, approx $5USD. Length 2hrs. trip from hell, on a small minivan, crowded, no baggage storage, no bathroom. While it was cheap, next time I have to ask to make sure I get on the larger bus.
Trip 6. WizzAir flight from Kaunas to Warsaw, Poland. Cost .01 Euro, well actually 23EUR after all the fees and taxes. This was booked in advance from home during a promotion where flights were 1 euro cent. Then they hit you with 3EUR credit card fees, and 20 in taxes. so total cost was really 23EUR. Still a bargin, as the busride is 7hrs and actually more expensive. Length was 45 minutes, the plane basically went up and then back down.
Trip 7. GermanWings flight from Warsaw to Cologne, Germany. Cost 38EUR. Length 2hrs. This was also bought in advance, cost was 10EUR and then after taxes and fees total came to 38EUR. About 50 bucks and a great deal, considering by train/bus this is a 15hr ride, and I have no plans to do that length of trip anytime soon. Plane ride was again easy.
I have a map of the trip up for you struggling with your geography , you have to goto GetJealous.com website and search for my map its the same name of this website. I'm am trying to link it, but right now using a German version of Internet Explorer and now idea how to see the source. How I wish for Mozilla, having my own laptop would probably make it easier, but then that is extra weight and worry, so I'll just do the best I can now.. 100MB of pictures uploaded today, check out the link over on the sidebar. I'm off to a Soccer BBQ in the park, and might even try to find the USA team Hotel as they are staying here in Essen.
Trip 1. British Airways Flight. JFK to LHR, then LHR to HEL. Cost $0, 32500 Frequent Flier miles. Easiest part of journey, my first ever flight on British Airways and for coach class I was impressed for sure.
Trip 2. Tallink Ferry. Helsinki to Tallinn, Estonia. Cost 25Euro. Length 3hrs. Overall an ok ride, the boat was impressive with shopping areas, food, gambling, drinking. But since I did not have a place for bag storage I just stayed in one area.
Trip 3. Bus from Tallinn to Riga, Latvia. Cost 200EEK approx $16USD. Length 6hrs. Should have been a 4hr troip on the express bus, but I had to take the local as the express was sold out, I learned my lesson about buying tickets in advance from this. The bus was nice, a nice modern bus, with bathroom, very comfortable for sure.
Trip 4. Bus from Riga to Vilnius, Lithuania. Cost 7LVL, approx $14USD. Length 4Hrs. Perfect trip, not too long, bus was crowded towards the end and some people had to stand up, but again a nice modern bus.
Trip 5. Bus from Vilnius to Kaunas, Lithuania. Cost 16LTL, approx $5USD. Length 2hrs. trip from hell, on a small minivan, crowded, no baggage storage, no bathroom. While it was cheap, next time I have to ask to make sure I get on the larger bus.
Trip 6. WizzAir flight from Kaunas to Warsaw, Poland. Cost .01 Euro, well actually 23EUR after all the fees and taxes. This was booked in advance from home during a promotion where flights were 1 euro cent. Then they hit you with 3EUR credit card fees, and 20 in taxes. so total cost was really 23EUR. Still a bargin, as the busride is 7hrs and actually more expensive. Length was 45 minutes, the plane basically went up and then back down.
Trip 7. GermanWings flight from Warsaw to Cologne, Germany. Cost 38EUR. Length 2hrs. This was also bought in advance, cost was 10EUR and then after taxes and fees total came to 38EUR. About 50 bucks and a great deal, considering by train/bus this is a 15hr ride, and I have no plans to do that length of trip anytime soon. Plane ride was again easy.
I have a map of the trip up for you struggling with your geography , you have to goto GetJealous.com website and search for my map its the same name of this website. I'm am trying to link it, but right now using a German version of Internet Explorer and now idea how to see the source. How I wish for Mozilla, having my own laptop would probably make it easier, but then that is extra weight and worry, so I'll just do the best I can now.. 100MB of pictures uploaded today, check out the link over on the sidebar. I'm off to a Soccer BBQ in the park, and might even try to find the USA team Hotel as they are staying here in Essen.
World Cup Fever in Germany
I have arrived in Germany. Currently in Essen, which is a nice town only about 10 minutes away from Gelsenkirchen where the first USA game will be played on Monday at 1800 time local, that is Noon for my folks on the East coast of the USA. It will be on ESPN2 and I expect everyone to take a long lunch break to watch the opening game and us beating the Czech Republic. I will post tomorrow on my full thoughts on the game. Already world cup fever you can feel it here in Germany. In just a few hours walking around Essen, I have seen groups of fans from Ecuador, Italy, Argentina(very happy fans as they won their game vs Ivory Coast), Brazil, Germany. People are all wearing colors, flags, and showing team spirit. I will do my best to be patroitic and might even try to paint the USA flag on my face, and hopeing I can find a flag.
I must say the last 3 days of travel have been grueling. I did 3 cities, 2 flights all in 2 days. Now that i'm in Western Europe things should be more smooth. I will be in Germany till the 13th and then a side train trip to Amsterdam, Belgium and Luxembourg before coming back to Germany for the USA vs Italy game on the 17th. The trains here are amazing, both in comfort level and service. The trains leave at the exact minute and even in the 2nd class car, on the train I took last night from Cologne airport to Essen, it was more like a plane, with headrests, music selection and overall comfort. If all the trains trips are like this, it will be a blessing. While they are not as cheap in the past, I have an 8 day railpas for Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, so that should cover me for the month of June.
I know the blog updates have been sporatic of late, but without my own laptop internet access is spotty at best. Right now I'm staying with people I met on the Internet on a soccer website and using their laptop, so today i'm in the process of uploading all my photos, my videos and I have a list of 3-4 posts that I want to get done today. Including one of the beers I've had so far with reviews of them. Just waiting for the pictures to get uploaded.. Also working on an interactive map of my journey so far, as I know alot of Americans are geographically limited and don't know the difference between where Romania and Russia are.
The weather today in Germany is totally lovely, about 28 degrees, no clouds in the sky. The plan is to goto a BBQ in the park and watch the first game at 1500, and then might go up to Dusseldorf for a SportsbyBrooks party, as Brooks is over here and will be going to the USA vs Czech game. Too bad he didnt bring the girls or the contest, as I'd be up for a chance to win events in both America and Germany.
Ok check out the Photos, look over at the Links on the side, and there is a link to both videos from YouTube and Photos on Fotki, and if you like the Photos you can even purchase them!
I must say the last 3 days of travel have been grueling. I did 3 cities, 2 flights all in 2 days. Now that i'm in Western Europe things should be more smooth. I will be in Germany till the 13th and then a side train trip to Amsterdam, Belgium and Luxembourg before coming back to Germany for the USA vs Italy game on the 17th. The trains here are amazing, both in comfort level and service. The trains leave at the exact minute and even in the 2nd class car, on the train I took last night from Cologne airport to Essen, it was more like a plane, with headrests, music selection and overall comfort. If all the trains trips are like this, it will be a blessing. While they are not as cheap in the past, I have an 8 day railpas for Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, so that should cover me for the month of June.
I know the blog updates have been sporatic of late, but without my own laptop internet access is spotty at best. Right now I'm staying with people I met on the Internet on a soccer website and using their laptop, so today i'm in the process of uploading all my photos, my videos and I have a list of 3-4 posts that I want to get done today. Including one of the beers I've had so far with reviews of them. Just waiting for the pictures to get uploaded.. Also working on an interactive map of my journey so far, as I know alot of Americans are geographically limited and don't know the difference between where Romania and Russia are.
The weather today in Germany is totally lovely, about 28 degrees, no clouds in the sky. The plan is to goto a BBQ in the park and watch the first game at 1500, and then might go up to Dusseldorf for a SportsbyBrooks party, as Brooks is over here and will be going to the USA vs Czech game. Too bad he didnt bring the girls or the contest, as I'd be up for a chance to win events in both America and Germany.
Ok check out the Photos, look over at the Links on the side, and there is a link to both videos from YouTube and Photos on Fotki, and if you like the Photos you can even purchase them!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Finally I broke down.. but it was all good
Well Poland did it to me, and it had nothing to do with lack of hotel reservations, heavy bags or anything, All it took was the church, prayers and John Paul.. I'm in Warsaw now.. Poles are a very religious people, they stop at church at lunch and pray for no given reason. I went into a church, saw this picture of Pope John Paul and thought of Maria and lost it. If you know me, i'm not a church going person by any means... Yet 2 or 3 years ago, Maria being from a true Italian family of devout Catholi c was blessed by the Pope.. John Paul send me an angel, please do.. I know I've had angels by my side before.. In 1998 I was driving to MPLS in January, it was icey and snowy.. It was going to be for hopefully a Prince concert and also Maria's birthday party.. Somewhere in the middle of Wisconsin, I was about to bite the big one.. From the left lane, I went into the side ditch, spun too hard, came across 2 lanes and traffic and waiting for the crunch to happen as the road was full of 18wheerlers.. yet nothing happens, myself, my car, everything landed in the 3 feet of snow and was unhurt.. At the time I knew I had an angel riding next to me, as my good friend from high school Michael Sanchez his mother Lynda had just passed away, she was next to me and saved me...
From now on, I know I will have an angel by my side, as Maria will be there..
Whew, glad I was finally able to grieve and all it took was a religious city anda church.. now its on to Germany.. I watched the games with Poles last night, they lost 2-0 not good for them, and being the only black face they must have thought I was from Ecuador, as later the night me and my African buddy from Namibia(no he doesnt know Brad and Angelina), who is actually whiter than me. we got told private party everywhere... Anyway more on this once i get to germany and reliable internet connection..
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Life of Maria Puppin Boyd
Maria Theresa Puppin-Boyd
January 14, 1975 - June 07, 2006
Roseville & Stillwater
Visitation: 4-7 PM with a rosary at 6:30PM. June 09, 2006 at Simonet's and one hour prior to service at the church atrium.
Mass of Christian Burial: 11:00 AM. June 10, 2006 at St. Michael's Catholic Church, 611 South 3rd Street, Stillwater.
Interment: June 10, 2006 at St. Michael's Cemetery, Bayport.
Maria Thérèse Puppin Boyd Died, peacefully at home, June 7, 2006 after an eight year fight against cancer. Preceeded in death by grandparents Raymond and Margaret Law; Vittorio and Giovanna Puppin. Survived by loving husband Daniel; parents Joe and Susan Puppin; mother-in-law Chantal Woël Boyd; other family, godchildren and many friends. Maria was a very kind and loving person who lived life to the fullest.
In lieu of flowers memorials are preferred.
If you would like to share your thoughts and memories,
we will deliver your message to the family.
Maria Theresa Puppin-Boyd
January 14, 1975 - June 07, 2006
Roseville & Stillwater
Visitation: 4-7 PM with a rosary at 6:30PM. June 09, 2006 at Simonet's and one hour prior to service at the church atrium.
Mass of Christian Burial: 11:00 AM. June 10, 2006 at St. Michael's Catholic Church, 611 South 3rd Street, Stillwater.
Interment: June 10, 2006 at St. Michael's Cemetery, Bayport.
Maria Thérèse Puppin Boyd Died, peacefully at home, June 7, 2006 after an eight year fight against cancer. Preceeded in death by grandparents Raymond and Margaret Law; Vittorio and Giovanna Puppin. Survived by loving husband Daniel; parents Joe and Susan Puppin; mother-in-law Chantal Woël Boyd; other family, godchildren and many friends. Maria was a very kind and loving person who lived life to the fullest.
In lieu of flowers memorials are preferred.
If you would like to share your thoughts and memories,
we will deliver your message to the family.
Kaunas you tried to break me, but I carry on..
Thursday was just simply a horrible day. From first getting the news about my friend Maria, to then the trip and city of Kaunas, Lithuania. It almost broke me, but somehow in the spirit of Maria I found strength and carried on. Let me tell you how it started.
I took the bus from Vilnius to Kaunas(prounoced Konas), because I had a flight from Kaunas to Warsaw. The flight was on WizzAir, a discount airline and only cost 1 Euro Penny, but with the taxes and fees up to 32 Euros total. Yet it was a great deal, as the flight was less than 25 minutes long, and much better than a 6-7 hour bus ride. So as I get to the bus station, I am suppose to leave from stall 37. I see a bus pull up next with the sign Vilnius-Kaunas, so I show my ticket and the man says no, bus on other stall. I am like ok no problem, well then 2 minutes later my bus pulls up and its basically a minivan. Seated 14 people, no luggage storage, no bathroom, no nothing. It was packed every seat taken, so there I am with my backpack under me and uncomfortable. It was only a 100km trip, but in this put put minivan it took almost a solid 2hrs. I slept for some of it, and had to hold back tears thinking about Maria.
Next I get to Kaunas, and its a dump. The Bus station didnt have any maps or information booth. I didnt have a map, there are no street signs, I first try to call the place I wanted to stay and couldnt get thru. I wander around with my 25lb backpack on me going in circles. Finally I find a Tourist information booth and get a map. Its about a 10-15 minute walk to the first place I planned on staying, I finally get there and their hours are till 1730 and its about 1800 right now. So its locked and they have a sign saying after hours call on cell phone.. Some old lady says to me while walking the street "GO HOME.. GO HOME". I was like lady trust me if I could i would get out of this shit hole of a town. Next i'm like Ok there is a hotel I know about and it was only 2 blocks away, but 2 long blocks with damn street signs in this town.
Finally find the hotel, its a much better choice anyway as its right on the town square and was a bit cheaper at 70LTL(about 25 bucks at 2.70 to the dollar). Room was fine, and thankfully had a bathtub, so I was able to do my best to have a bubble bath, but didnt have any bubbles. Anyway the bath was well needed. Then explored the town to find some food, and the town was really dead, not much going on. Ate some Pizza that wasnt that great, but it filled up and called it a boring day around 9pm.
Didnt really sleep that much as worried about my 4am time to leave and not wanting to miss the plane and have to spend anymore time in Kaunas than necessary. Made it to the airport, the cab ride was 62LTLs, a bit expensive over 20 bucks, and i was warned cabbies will rip foreigners off so whatever, i knew to expect it. Thankfully the flight was easy and simple and Warsaw is a big real city. Its early in the morning and cant get into my room at the Hostel till noon, going to find a couch here and crash I guess.
I took the bus from Vilnius to Kaunas(prounoced Konas), because I had a flight from Kaunas to Warsaw. The flight was on WizzAir, a discount airline and only cost 1 Euro Penny, but with the taxes and fees up to 32 Euros total. Yet it was a great deal, as the flight was less than 25 minutes long, and much better than a 6-7 hour bus ride. So as I get to the bus station, I am suppose to leave from stall 37. I see a bus pull up next with the sign Vilnius-Kaunas, so I show my ticket and the man says no, bus on other stall. I am like ok no problem, well then 2 minutes later my bus pulls up and its basically a minivan. Seated 14 people, no luggage storage, no bathroom, no nothing. It was packed every seat taken, so there I am with my backpack under me and uncomfortable. It was only a 100km trip, but in this put put minivan it took almost a solid 2hrs. I slept for some of it, and had to hold back tears thinking about Maria.
Next I get to Kaunas, and its a dump. The Bus station didnt have any maps or information booth. I didnt have a map, there are no street signs, I first try to call the place I wanted to stay and couldnt get thru. I wander around with my 25lb backpack on me going in circles. Finally I find a Tourist information booth and get a map. Its about a 10-15 minute walk to the first place I planned on staying, I finally get there and their hours are till 1730 and its about 1800 right now. So its locked and they have a sign saying after hours call on cell phone.. Some old lady says to me while walking the street "GO HOME.. GO HOME". I was like lady trust me if I could i would get out of this shit hole of a town. Next i'm like Ok there is a hotel I know about and it was only 2 blocks away, but 2 long blocks with damn street signs in this town.
Finally find the hotel, its a much better choice anyway as its right on the town square and was a bit cheaper at 70LTL(about 25 bucks at 2.70 to the dollar). Room was fine, and thankfully had a bathtub, so I was able to do my best to have a bubble bath, but didnt have any bubbles. Anyway the bath was well needed. Then explored the town to find some food, and the town was really dead, not much going on. Ate some Pizza that wasnt that great, but it filled up and called it a boring day around 9pm.
Didnt really sleep that much as worried about my 4am time to leave and not wanting to miss the plane and have to spend anymore time in Kaunas than necessary. Made it to the airport, the cab ride was 62LTLs, a bit expensive over 20 bucks, and i was warned cabbies will rip foreigners off so whatever, i knew to expect it. Thankfully the flight was easy and simple and Warsaw is a big real city. Its early in the morning and cant get into my room at the Hostel till noon, going to find a couch here and crash I guess.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
R.I.P Maria Puppin Boyd
I just got a horrible email that one of the strongest people I know in the world, Maria Puppin Boyd has left our planet and gone to heaven. She will forever be missed. I must say in my young life I have no dealt with much death. While all 4 of my grandparents have left us, they lived long healthy lives. For Maria to be taken as such a young age is a shame. She never got a chance to live a full life, having cancer in her 20s..
Her Husband Daniel, who stuck with her for the whole time must be given props on being a great great human, as many people would have run for the hills..
Now Playing on my mp3 player, Knocking on heaven's door, by the other great native minnesota music genius.
Her Husband Daniel, who stuck with her for the whole time must be given props on being a great great human, as many people would have run for the hills..
Now Playing on my mp3 player, Knocking on heaven's door, by the other great native minnesota music genius.
Baltics are the best
Most americans dont know where the baltics are. After a week here, I urge you to find out.. its a great place as the cities are rich with history, museums, thought provoking things.. and at night in the summer the sun doesnt go down really, but for the few hours it does, you just stay inside at a club and party.. plus the beer is as good as the USA and much cheaper.
Sorry for the unreliable natures of these posts, but this travel schedule that i'm on a day here, 2 days there, doesnt really give me time to gather my thoughts and post in a coherant manner. Yet this picture basically sums up how fun the nights are and why I sleep in till noon. Meeting alot of great people from all around the world, even a few Yanks.
About to get on a bus for Kaunas, Lithuania where my flight leaves the next day. That will be the first really tough travel day cause the flight is at 6am. I'm going to be a good boy and not party all night, but get some rest, as the World Cup starts on Friday, and I'll be in Poland, while Poland has their first game.. yeah its going to be a good time for sure
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Happy Birthday Prince
If you have ever been out on a night with me, you know that I love prince, and this is the type of shit that i'll do for him...
In Lativa of all places
In Lativa of all places
Damien where are you???
Ok so the world didnt end on 6.6.06.. this cool canadian guy at the hostel, was like hey i got that stamped in my passport from Latvian border control.. Must be a good one.. I saw the volcano finally blew its top in Indonisia, but otherwise the world goes on, maybe the killer comet/asteroid is coming in 2012 as the ancient Mayaian say.. who knows..
Anyway about to leave lovely Latvia, and head for Vilinus, should be no bus problems as I have my ticket, and only a 4hr ride. I know its middle of night in USA, so maybe i'll check in once I get to Latvia.
Anyway about to leave lovely Latvia, and head for Vilinus, should be no bus problems as I have my ticket, and only a 4hr ride. I know its middle of night in USA, so maybe i'll check in once I get to Latvia.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
History & Occupation
Just spent some time at the Latvian Museum of Occupation. A very haunting trip thru the recent history of Latvia. Basically if you dont learn from your history its bound to repeat itself. Latvians are a very very proud people and with a reason. Basically from 1940 to 1991 the country was occupied by either the Soviet Union or Germany, during this time over 550,000 Latvians were killed, murdered, slaughter, disappeared, whatever you want to call it. This is about 1/3 of their total population, so now there is a big nationalistic push and trying to get the birth rate higher than death rate, so that the country can grow again.
Not to get into a whole history lecture here, but basically it goes something like this. 1940 as a pre-emptive strike Russia takes over the 3 baltic countries(Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). 1941 Germany with a bigger army easily beats the Russians back, and takes over the countries. 1941 to 1945 lots of murder, especially of any Jews, country basically f'd up, men killed, population goes down. 1945 WWII is over, Russia now takes the Baltics back, and anyone showing latvian pride or national ties is sent off to Siberia or labor camps. Even the rest of the world don't do much to help out. Finally 1991 old Soviet russia is dismantled, Latvia regains independance.
Not trying to get too political but after viewing the images and stories of just what a 50 year occupation entails, it only makes me think about the current Iraq occupation that G.W is trying to do. While its only 3 years into it now, and only 2500 USA troops dead, and probably 100,000+ Iraqis dead, i wonder in 50 years when the numbers of Iraqis are in the millions then how will the world view this current so called War on Terror..
Ok moving away from politics. Also went to the top of St. Peters Church here in Riga, thankfully it was an elevtor to the top this time, cause at 123 meters that would be alot of steps. In Estonia it was only 34 meters and plenty of steps.. Dont ask me how they got an elevator in a building built in 1600, i guess since the church was destroyed and rebuilt 4 times over history it gave them a chance to modernize it. Anyway the view from the top was great, but it was about as windy as ever, so I had to get down.. Got a few pics and trying to upload them as I can, right now at an internet cafe, and the space key is sticking and giving me problems.. Ahhh to have a reliable laptop and connection would be godly. Anyway look over at the Links section for the Fotki.com link, same name as this blog if you are searching for it. Sorry only a few pictures now, more as i get more reliable computer/internet.
Next stop is Vilnius, Lithuania on Wednesday, only a 4hr Bus trip, hopefully an express bus, bought the ticket already so its all good.
Not to get into a whole history lecture here, but basically it goes something like this. 1940 as a pre-emptive strike Russia takes over the 3 baltic countries(Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). 1941 Germany with a bigger army easily beats the Russians back, and takes over the countries. 1941 to 1945 lots of murder, especially of any Jews, country basically f'd up, men killed, population goes down. 1945 WWII is over, Russia now takes the Baltics back, and anyone showing latvian pride or national ties is sent off to Siberia or labor camps. Even the rest of the world don't do much to help out. Finally 1991 old Soviet russia is dismantled, Latvia regains independance.
Not trying to get too political but after viewing the images and stories of just what a 50 year occupation entails, it only makes me think about the current Iraq occupation that G.W is trying to do. While its only 3 years into it now, and only 2500 USA troops dead, and probably 100,000+ Iraqis dead, i wonder in 50 years when the numbers of Iraqis are in the millions then how will the world view this current so called War on Terror..
Ok moving away from politics. Also went to the top of St. Peters Church here in Riga, thankfully it was an elevtor to the top this time, cause at 123 meters that would be alot of steps. In Estonia it was only 34 meters and plenty of steps.. Dont ask me how they got an elevator in a building built in 1600, i guess since the church was destroyed and rebuilt 4 times over history it gave them a chance to modernize it. Anyway the view from the top was great, but it was about as windy as ever, so I had to get down.. Got a few pics and trying to upload them as I can, right now at an internet cafe, and the space key is sticking and giving me problems.. Ahhh to have a reliable laptop and connection would be godly. Anyway look over at the Links section for the Fotki.com link, same name as this blog if you are searching for it. Sorry only a few pictures now, more as i get more reliable computer/internet.
Next stop is Vilnius, Lithuania on Wednesday, only a 4hr Bus trip, hopefully an express bus, bought the ticket already so its all good.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Beginning of Latvia
A lucky 2nd post for the day. The people on the east coast might get this before they leave work for the day, my west coast peeps, when your coming in from lunch, boom a 2nd post. How is that for service? Its 10:15pm here, still as bright outside as if it was 5pm, and since most things stay open till 4am even to 6am, no point going out early. I have a feeling in fact Monday will be a slow night, in fact I've decided to stay an extra day here in Riga, mainly cause I like the city, and also cause I didnt realize but most of the museums are closed on Monday, so I wasnt able to see any of the places today I wanted to.
One lesson i've already learned is buy your bus tickets in advance. I left Estonia thinking i would show up at 1030am and get a ticket for the noon bus. Well the noon bus was sold out, so I had to wait around for the 15:35 bus, which turned out to be a 6hr local bus. Not fun.. So now i'm going to buy the bus tickets a day in advance for my upcoming trip to Vilnius, Lithuania.
After finally arriving in Riga, I ventured out and stupidly went to an Irish pub. Basically every weekend here is host to a British stag party, this was was rather rowdy, with both men and women, inlcuding one of the first sights when walked in, some pale drunk english dude, pulling out his package trying to impress the Hen's, they weren't and urged him to put his shrivled up package back in his pants.. Then I had some expensive unremarkable Fish & Chips, and wandered around to get my bearings, but called it an early night. While I prefer Riga old town, to Tallinn old town, these streets are much much harder to figure out and navigate, but the last day in Tallinn, my awesome map reading and sense of direction had kicked in, and I didnt really need to look at a map to get around anymore. Riga is very very different for sure.
This morning tried to get an early start, but as I said most musuems were closed. I decided to venture out to the only open museums and was glad I did. The travel section in the NY times did an article about a year ago about a woman trying to find this Open Air musuem about 30 minutes outside of town, learning from her mistakes I made sure to ask an english speaker(plenty of them out there, i'm telling you the ability of people to learn 3 or 4 langauges easily is something we in the USA need to learn.. at least we need to learn Chinese, as they will own us pretty soon at the pace we are going..) and asked where to catch the Bus, once on the right bus, everything was pretty simple.
Boy i'm glad I went to this museum, as it was totally different from anything I expected. Its about 30 minutes outside of the city, basically in the sticks, its a 100 hectacre sites that features over 125 exhibits, its all outdoor and basically shows the old Latvian way of life and their expertise in building wooden houses. There were all from the 16th and 17th century, some earlier even that have been either re-created or in many cases moved from the countryside. It made me think, that before electricity, running water, and all the things we take for granted, people had to live and adapt and the Latvians were very skillful with wood. Took some great pictures, including one of a great church. I tagged along with a french group getting a formal tour. I stood out being black and young, and they were all old and white, but my basic, and i mean basic French I was able to follow along a bit.. I gotta get learning more langauges like these folks here..
Some other quick observations from the first day, the weather turned lovely around noon, sun came out, temp got up to 22 and the WOMEN CAME OUT.. I mean seriouly everywhere you looked totally beautiful ladies wandering the streets, alone, in pairs, with boyfriends. It is said this city has 3 women for every 1, and if that is the case its a lovely thing, as most of the women are quite lovely.. many blondes, with piercing blue eyes, but also many dark haired girls with green eyes. Whatever the gene pool that made up this mish-mosh of people, it worked out well. Didnt get many stares from folks, only sometimes the really older folks or youngish and naturally many kids, but at the same time didnt see any other black folks during my ventures today.
Mom, lots of amber, I guess amber basically was first found around the Baltic Sea area, and amber is everywhere, sorry i'm not shopping cause you would love it. Second pancakes are huge here, had some for breakfast and they were great, i was wimpy and just had honey on them, I might try to try something more creative on them tomorrow. Also this is definately different from Russia era occupied times, as at the central market any and all types of food. Imported cheese, meats, oils, tons of fresh fruit, just for miles and miles. If you have the money you can eat well here, no more days of lining up and hoping you get enough bread for the family. The times are changing here and the people feel very western. Even saw many 5series Benz and one beautiful red Ferrari, so whoever has money has no problem throwing it away.
One lesson i've already learned is buy your bus tickets in advance. I left Estonia thinking i would show up at 1030am and get a ticket for the noon bus. Well the noon bus was sold out, so I had to wait around for the 15:35 bus, which turned out to be a 6hr local bus. Not fun.. So now i'm going to buy the bus tickets a day in advance for my upcoming trip to Vilnius, Lithuania.
After finally arriving in Riga, I ventured out and stupidly went to an Irish pub. Basically every weekend here is host to a British stag party, this was was rather rowdy, with both men and women, inlcuding one of the first sights when walked in, some pale drunk english dude, pulling out his package trying to impress the Hen's, they weren't and urged him to put his shrivled up package back in his pants.. Then I had some expensive unremarkable Fish & Chips, and wandered around to get my bearings, but called it an early night. While I prefer Riga old town, to Tallinn old town, these streets are much much harder to figure out and navigate, but the last day in Tallinn, my awesome map reading and sense of direction had kicked in, and I didnt really need to look at a map to get around anymore. Riga is very very different for sure.
This morning tried to get an early start, but as I said most musuems were closed. I decided to venture out to the only open museums and was glad I did. The travel section in the NY times did an article about a year ago about a woman trying to find this Open Air musuem about 30 minutes outside of town, learning from her mistakes I made sure to ask an english speaker(plenty of them out there, i'm telling you the ability of people to learn 3 or 4 langauges easily is something we in the USA need to learn.. at least we need to learn Chinese, as they will own us pretty soon at the pace we are going..) and asked where to catch the Bus, once on the right bus, everything was pretty simple.
Boy i'm glad I went to this museum, as it was totally different from anything I expected. Its about 30 minutes outside of the city, basically in the sticks, its a 100 hectacre sites that features over 125 exhibits, its all outdoor and basically shows the old Latvian way of life and their expertise in building wooden houses. There were all from the 16th and 17th century, some earlier even that have been either re-created or in many cases moved from the countryside. It made me think, that before electricity, running water, and all the things we take for granted, people had to live and adapt and the Latvians were very skillful with wood. Took some great pictures, including one of a great church. I tagged along with a french group getting a formal tour. I stood out being black and young, and they were all old and white, but my basic, and i mean basic French I was able to follow along a bit.. I gotta get learning more langauges like these folks here..
Some other quick observations from the first day, the weather turned lovely around noon, sun came out, temp got up to 22 and the WOMEN CAME OUT.. I mean seriouly everywhere you looked totally beautiful ladies wandering the streets, alone, in pairs, with boyfriends. It is said this city has 3 women for every 1, and if that is the case its a lovely thing, as most of the women are quite lovely.. many blondes, with piercing blue eyes, but also many dark haired girls with green eyes. Whatever the gene pool that made up this mish-mosh of people, it worked out well. Didnt get many stares from folks, only sometimes the really older folks or youngish and naturally many kids, but at the same time didnt see any other black folks during my ventures today.
Mom, lots of amber, I guess amber basically was first found around the Baltic Sea area, and amber is everywhere, sorry i'm not shopping cause you would love it. Second pancakes are huge here, had some for breakfast and they were great, i was wimpy and just had honey on them, I might try to try something more creative on them tomorrow. Also this is definately different from Russia era occupied times, as at the central market any and all types of food. Imported cheese, meats, oils, tons of fresh fruit, just for miles and miles. If you have the money you can eat well here, no more days of lining up and hoping you get enough bread for the family. The times are changing here and the people feel very western. Even saw many 5series Benz and one beautiful red Ferrari, so whoever has money has no problem throwing it away.
Wrapping up Estonia
Ok i've landed in Latvia, but before I do let me finish up on Estonia before I get on to the next country. Overall I enjoyed Estonia, and got the only decent weather day, a beatiful sunny 20-22 degree day(Celsius peeps). While Tallinn, is not the party captial that either I had read about, or even FHM/Maxim magazine rave about, it is still a nice place. Already in Latvia I have seen 2 crazy british stag parties, and everyone I meet thinks i'm British, which is not viewed as a good thing here, I guess I wont have to lie about being Canadian just yet.
Some of the funnier moments in Estonia, while walking around I met a group of Estonia men on their stag party outing, when I asked him "Is Divorce common in Estonia, his respons was No, cause nobody gets married, i'm a fool" Also they were drinking outside enjoying the view from the top of a hill so I thought it was like Key West where drinking in the street is ok, he said No its illegal, but as long as you dont get caught it ok..
The cigarette boxes have some serious warning labels, no kidding. One of them says in good ole english "Smoking can Kill You", others that I saw that I had translated included Smoking Shortens your Life, Smoking Damanges People around You. Yet despite this all the bars allow smoking, so unlike NYC where the same shirt can last more than once before having to be washed, here its wear once, wash once. Have yet to do laundry, but I'll probably have to before I get to Germany.
Estonia is more of a Finnish influnce in language, so despite being occupied by Russia for so many years, they have kept a Finnish influence. In fact Russians are not viewed highly here. The main independance day they celebrate is not from the 1991 freedom, but from back in 1918 with Tzar Nicholas and his family getting overtaken.
For a country so small of only 1.3million people, I must say in the future I think they are on a path to good things. The internet/computer stuff is full force, pretty much the whole town in a WiFi hot spot. All the young people speak at least 3-4 languages, with Estonia, English and Finnish taught in school, and most people speak some Russian. Education is not free like socalist countries, but heavily reduced and vastly encourgaed for the young people. As long as they can stay educated, and with the Internet doing its thing, I can see Estonia being one of the wealthier countries in the E.U in a few years. In fact everyone you looked in the new town there was construction, cranes, roads being torn up.
Had an interesting conversation with a guy who is living in Kuwait doing construction work and he told me all about living overseas, taxes, and the such. So next post will be about how to be an ex-pat..
Some of the funnier moments in Estonia, while walking around I met a group of Estonia men on their stag party outing, when I asked him "Is Divorce common in Estonia, his respons was No, cause nobody gets married, i'm a fool" Also they were drinking outside enjoying the view from the top of a hill so I thought it was like Key West where drinking in the street is ok, he said No its illegal, but as long as you dont get caught it ok..
The cigarette boxes have some serious warning labels, no kidding. One of them says in good ole english "Smoking can Kill You", others that I saw that I had translated included Smoking Shortens your Life, Smoking Damanges People around You. Yet despite this all the bars allow smoking, so unlike NYC where the same shirt can last more than once before having to be washed, here its wear once, wash once. Have yet to do laundry, but I'll probably have to before I get to Germany.
Estonia is more of a Finnish influnce in language, so despite being occupied by Russia for so many years, they have kept a Finnish influence. In fact Russians are not viewed highly here. The main independance day they celebrate is not from the 1991 freedom, but from back in 1918 with Tzar Nicholas and his family getting overtaken.
For a country so small of only 1.3million people, I must say in the future I think they are on a path to good things. The internet/computer stuff is full force, pretty much the whole town in a WiFi hot spot. All the young people speak at least 3-4 languages, with Estonia, English and Finnish taught in school, and most people speak some Russian. Education is not free like socalist countries, but heavily reduced and vastly encourgaed for the young people. As long as they can stay educated, and with the Internet doing its thing, I can see Estonia being one of the wealthier countries in the E.U in a few years. In fact everyone you looked in the new town there was construction, cranes, roads being torn up.
Had an interesting conversation with a guy who is living in Kuwait doing construction work and he told me all about living overseas, taxes, and the such. So next post will be about how to be an ex-pat..
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Travel Day
For anyone reading daily, i know its Sunday.. so its a slow day back in the states. I hope the weather there is better than here. I got my dose of typical Estonian weather, grey, rainy, dreay, wet all day long. My Rangers fleece hoody is the perfect jacket, thank god I took it. So Friday when it was sunny and lovely I should have enyoed it more. Ok so today is a travel day, taking a 5hr bus ride to Riga, Latvia. Should be fun to see who rides the bus here, I am guessing mostly tourists.. More from me in Riga.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Am I going to see Green Fairys?
The title is the question I asked before doing my first ever shot of Absinthe. The legend is probably more famous than the actual drink, as no I didnt see any Fairies, its probably no worse than 151(what up CJ!!), or Jamaican overproof rum, but you can judge for you self at this nicely done Wikipedia Entry here Absinthe. I was at the Hostel with cool Irish and Dutch dudes, who live here and they broke out the bottle of Cannibis Absinthe, next thing i know spoons have sugar and are on fire and we are drinking green liqour. It was good, nothing that killed me, the many rounds of beer later probably killed any green faires that were going to dance in my head.

So I had met these cool German dudes at the Hostel in Finland who were living in Estonia, and I called them last night when they got into town and I must say it was a pleasure to hang with them. Wherever we went, which were basically the same bars as the previous night(Hell Hunt, Cafe Havana), the bars were more packed and they seemed to know everyone, French guys, Austrian guys, German Girls, even a few natives. So it was an ex-pat hang out night. Hell Hunt was still on point, as you can see by the menu, indulged in a PALM, a great Belgian beer, i've never seen anywhere outside of Belgium, dark beer, tastes like Bass(yummy), but not quite as dark, goes down well and considering its before noon as I type this, no hangover issues.
After Hell Hunt, walked down the block to Cafe Havana, was planning on getting a Cuban and a nice shot of whiskey, but the Cubans were over 15 Euros, i'll have to wait till I hit the real Havana till I have a cigar, or Montreal as I know the Cigar place on Berry St. Havana was more packed, including a few more of Rene(cool German dude) friends, it was 2 for 1 all night cocktails, so I bought a round of Long Islands for some people, and TG before you ask, HELL NO i didnt drink that drink of death, I stuck with the beer(A. Le Coq). Finally more american music than previous night and more crowded. One of the cute waitress was in awe I was from NYC, I'm like honey its not all its cracked up to be, you dont want to pay 7 bucks for a beer every night, stay here...
Finally made it to Nimeta Baar(Pub with No Name) that I had read alot about in articles about Tallinn. It was a cool spot, decent music, I walked in and they were playing Missy Elliott "Work It" so I felt like back at home. I've been told a place to watch a football match, and England vs Jamaica is today at 1600, you know i'll be rooting for my Granny Rita's home country, go Reggae Boys!!
Oh yes, a place I spent a good part of the afternoon, well here with the sun up till midnight, and then back up at 230am its hard to tell what is day,night,afternoon, but it was post work 5pmish happy hour. Was this bar called Joujaam. It translates to High Tension Power Line, i'm not kidding. Its an electric themed bar, anyway a very nice wait staff, .5liters of A. Le Coq for 35EEK, and pleasant bar staff. The owner was not there, he lives in Detroit part time, god bless his soul for being one of the few who will stay in that hell hole. But his waitstaff are very friendly, it was the first english of the day for me, and this was at 5pm so that was lovely. Check them out. That is from Left to Right. Kairat, Kaja, and manager Janika.

If ever in Tallinn visit them, the address is Vaike-Karja 8. Yeah i know it seems hard, but its right around the corner from the famous Club Hollywood. I might go there tonight, as its Rene's birthday so we are going to try to get a German drunk, if that is possible.
Pictures are coming, this internet as the Hostel is very slow, once i find some fast internet, i'll have plenty of them.. Oh looking at ESPN news, as you know I cant lay off.. Go Edmonton in the finals, Canada needs a Cup winner after all these years.. Miami in the Finals?? damn I dont want Zo to get a ring, so i'll be rooting for the West whoever makes it out.. T.O? All smiles at Practice, I guess that first check cleared nicely from Jerry Jones. And most important of all Remember USA vs Czech republic June 12th, The czech lost one of their better players to injuries and others are hurt. We can do this man.. Dont tread on me!!
So I had met these cool German dudes at the Hostel in Finland who were living in Estonia, and I called them last night when they got into town and I must say it was a pleasure to hang with them. Wherever we went, which were basically the same bars as the previous night(Hell Hunt, Cafe Havana), the bars were more packed and they seemed to know everyone, French guys, Austrian guys, German Girls, even a few natives. So it was an ex-pat hang out night. Hell Hunt was still on point, as you can see by the menu, indulged in a PALM, a great Belgian beer, i've never seen anywhere outside of Belgium, dark beer, tastes like Bass(yummy), but not quite as dark, goes down well and considering its before noon as I type this, no hangover issues.
After Hell Hunt, walked down the block to Cafe Havana, was planning on getting a Cuban and a nice shot of whiskey, but the Cubans were over 15 Euros, i'll have to wait till I hit the real Havana till I have a cigar, or Montreal as I know the Cigar place on Berry St. Havana was more packed, including a few more of Rene(cool German dude) friends, it was 2 for 1 all night cocktails, so I bought a round of Long Islands for some people, and TG before you ask, HELL NO i didnt drink that drink of death, I stuck with the beer(A. Le Coq). Finally more american music than previous night and more crowded. One of the cute waitress was in awe I was from NYC, I'm like honey its not all its cracked up to be, you dont want to pay 7 bucks for a beer every night, stay here...
Finally made it to Nimeta Baar(Pub with No Name) that I had read alot about in articles about Tallinn. It was a cool spot, decent music, I walked in and they were playing Missy Elliott "Work It" so I felt like back at home. I've been told a place to watch a football match, and England vs Jamaica is today at 1600, you know i'll be rooting for my Granny Rita's home country, go Reggae Boys!!
Oh yes, a place I spent a good part of the afternoon, well here with the sun up till midnight, and then back up at 230am its hard to tell what is day,night,afternoon, but it was post work 5pmish happy hour. Was this bar called Joujaam. It translates to High Tension Power Line, i'm not kidding. Its an electric themed bar, anyway a very nice wait staff, .5liters of A. Le Coq for 35EEK, and pleasant bar staff. The owner was not there, he lives in Detroit part time, god bless his soul for being one of the few who will stay in that hell hole. But his waitstaff are very friendly, it was the first english of the day for me, and this was at 5pm so that was lovely. Check them out. That is from Left to Right. Kairat, Kaja, and manager Janika.
If ever in Tallinn visit them, the address is Vaike-Karja 8. Yeah i know it seems hard, but its right around the corner from the famous Club Hollywood. I might go there tonight, as its Rene's birthday so we are going to try to get a German drunk, if that is possible.
Pictures are coming, this internet as the Hostel is very slow, once i find some fast internet, i'll have plenty of them.. Oh looking at ESPN news, as you know I cant lay off.. Go Edmonton in the finals, Canada needs a Cup winner after all these years.. Miami in the Finals?? damn I dont want Zo to get a ring, so i'll be rooting for the West whoever makes it out.. T.O? All smiles at Practice, I guess that first check cleared nicely from Jerry Jones. And most important of all Remember USA vs Czech republic June 12th, The czech lost one of their better players to injuries and others are hurt. We can do this man.. Dont tread on me!!
Am I going to see Green Fairys?
The title is the question I asked before doing my first ever shot of Absinthe. The legend is probably more famous than the actual drink, as no I didnt see any Fairies, its probably no worse than 151(what up CJ!!), or Jamaican overproof rum, but you can judge for you self at this nicely done Wikipedia Entry here Absinthe. I was at the Hostel with cool Irish and Dutch dudes, who live here and they broke out the bottle of Cannibis Absinthe, next thing i know spoons have sugar and are on fire and we are drinking green liqour. It was good, nothing that killed me, the many rounds of beer later probably killed any green faires that were going to dance in my head.

So I had met these cool German dudes at the Hostel in Finland who were living in Estonia, and I called them last night when they got into town and I must say it was a pleasure to hang with them. Wherever we went, which were basically the same bars as the previous night(Hell Hunt, Cafe Havana), the bars were more packed and they seemed to know everyone, French guys, Austrian guys, German Girls, even a few natives. So it was an ex-pat hang out night. Hell Hunt was still on point, as you can see by the menu, indulged in a PALM, a great Belgian beer, i've never seen anywhere outside of Belgium, dark beer, tastes like Bass(yummy), but not quite as dark, goes down well and considering its before noon as I type this, no hangover issues.
After Hell Hunt, walked down the block to Cafe Havana, was planning on getting a Cuban and a nice shot of whiskey, but the Cubans were over 15 Euros, i'll have to wait till I hit the real Havana till I have a cigar, or Montreal as I know the Cigar place on Berry St. Havana was more packed, including a few more of Rene(cool German dude) friends, it was 2 for 1 all night cocktails, so I bought a round of Long Islands for some people, and TG before you ask, HELL NO i didnt drink that drink of death, I stuck with the beer(A. Le Coq). Finally more american music than previous night and more crowded. One of the cute waitress was in awe I was from NYC, I'm like honey its not all its cracked up to be, you dont want to pay 7 bucks for a beer every night, stay here...
Finally made it to Nimeta Baar(Pub with No Name) that I had read alot about in articles about Tallinn. It was a cool spot, decent music, I walked in and they were playing Missy Elliott "Work It" so I felt like back at home. I've been told a place to watch a football match, and England vs Jamaica is today at 1600, you know i'll be rooting for my Granny Rita's home country, go Reggae Boys!!
Oh yes, a place I spent a good part of the afternoon, well here with the sun up till midnight, and then back up at 230am its hard to tell what is day,night,afternoon, but it was post work 5pmish happy hour. Was this bar called Joujaam. It translates to High Tension Power Line, i'm not kidding. Its an electric themed bar, anyway a very nice wait staff, .5liters of A. Le Coq for 35EEK, and pleasant bar staff. The owner was not there, he lives in Detroit part time, god bless his soul for being one of the few who will stay in that hell hole. But his waitstaff are very friendly, it was the first english of the day for me, and this was at 5pm so that was lovely. Check them out. That is from Left to Right. Kairat, Kaja, and manager Janika.

If ever in Tallinn visit them, the address is Vaike-Karja 8. Yeah i know it seems hard, but its right around the corner from the famous Club Hollywood. I might go there tonight, as its Rene's birthday so we are going to try to get a German drunk, if that is possible.
Pictures are coming, this internet as the Hostel is very slow, once i find some fast internet, i'll have plenty of them.. Oh looking at ESPN news, as you know I cant lay off.. Go Edmonton in the finals, Canada needs a Cup winner after all these years.. Miami in the Finals?? damn I dont want Zo to get a ring, so i'll be rooting for the West whoever makes it out.. T.O? All smiles at Practice, I guess that first check cleared nicely from Jerry Jones. And most important of all Remember USA vs Czech republic June 12th, The czech lost one of their better players to injuries and others are hurt. We can do this man.. Dont tread on me!!
So I had met these cool German dudes at the Hostel in Finland who were living in Estonia, and I called them last night when they got into town and I must say it was a pleasure to hang with them. Wherever we went, which were basically the same bars as the previous night(Hell Hunt, Cafe Havana), the bars were more packed and they seemed to know everyone, French guys, Austrian guys, German Girls, even a few natives. So it was an ex-pat hang out night. Hell Hunt was still on point, as you can see by the menu, indulged in a PALM, a great Belgian beer, i've never seen anywhere outside of Belgium, dark beer, tastes like Bass(yummy), but not quite as dark, goes down well and considering its before noon as I type this, no hangover issues.
After Hell Hunt, walked down the block to Cafe Havana, was planning on getting a Cuban and a nice shot of whiskey, but the Cubans were over 15 Euros, i'll have to wait till I hit the real Havana till I have a cigar, or Montreal as I know the Cigar place on Berry St. Havana was more packed, including a few more of Rene(cool German dude) friends, it was 2 for 1 all night cocktails, so I bought a round of Long Islands for some people, and TG before you ask, HELL NO i didnt drink that drink of death, I stuck with the beer(A. Le Coq). Finally more american music than previous night and more crowded. One of the cute waitress was in awe I was from NYC, I'm like honey its not all its cracked up to be, you dont want to pay 7 bucks for a beer every night, stay here...
Finally made it to Nimeta Baar(Pub with No Name) that I had read alot about in articles about Tallinn. It was a cool spot, decent music, I walked in and they were playing Missy Elliott "Work It" so I felt like back at home. I've been told a place to watch a football match, and England vs Jamaica is today at 1600, you know i'll be rooting for my Granny Rita's home country, go Reggae Boys!!
Oh yes, a place I spent a good part of the afternoon, well here with the sun up till midnight, and then back up at 230am its hard to tell what is day,night,afternoon, but it was post work 5pmish happy hour. Was this bar called Joujaam. It translates to High Tension Power Line, i'm not kidding. Its an electric themed bar, anyway a very nice wait staff, .5liters of A. Le Coq for 35EEK, and pleasant bar staff. The owner was not there, he lives in Detroit part time, god bless his soul for being one of the few who will stay in that hell hole. But his waitstaff are very friendly, it was the first english of the day for me, and this was at 5pm so that was lovely. Check them out. That is from Left to Right. Kairat, Kaja, and manager Janika.
If ever in Tallinn visit them, the address is Vaike-Karja 8. Yeah i know it seems hard, but its right around the corner from the famous Club Hollywood. I might go there tonight, as its Rene's birthday so we are going to try to get a German drunk, if that is possible.
Pictures are coming, this internet as the Hostel is very slow, once i find some fast internet, i'll have plenty of them.. Oh looking at ESPN news, as you know I cant lay off.. Go Edmonton in the finals, Canada needs a Cup winner after all these years.. Miami in the Finals?? damn I dont want Zo to get a ring, so i'll be rooting for the West whoever makes it out.. T.O? All smiles at Practice, I guess that first check cleared nicely from Jerry Jones. And most important of all Remember USA vs Czech republic June 12th, The czech lost one of their better players to injuries and others are hurt. We can do this man.. Dont tread on me!!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Goodness EEK!!!
Whew, made it out of Finland, it seemed like the slow boat to nowhere, as it took 3Hrs to cross the 18km channel that is the gulf of Finland. I swear we were going in circles cause I saw the same islands a few times. But i think the idea of the boat was to trap people so they could shop, gamble, eat, drink, be merry. I knew Estonia was cheaper when just at the boat terminal, everyone was getting off with 5 Cases of beer, I guess that is the max allow by customs. So you saw every man, woman and even a few children with carts loaded up with brew.
Thankfully nothing bad like an accident happened on the boat, but if it did, it would have been easy to ID my body. It would be the black one! Yeah I saw a few black people in Finland, even one of the bus drivers was a brother, so making me feel right at home in Harlem.. But so far in Estonia no hits on brothers. Last night in a bar I thought I saw a brother, but in the dark we all look alike. He turned out to be east indian.
I found a USB port at the computer in the Hostel, but it is running slow, very slow the internet, but some pictures are coming. Be Patient my friends. But I still need to take pictures of the hot blondes here in Estonia, cause you all have seen pictures of me drinking beer before, rather boring!
Oh the title of this post is about the money. The Estonian Kroone has the abbreviation EEK. Right now its about 1 Dollar is 12 EEks
Only made it to 2 bars last night, as I arrived at 2200 Hrs and took another 30 minutes to find the place I was staying. But by far and far the Hell Hunt is the best bar so far. Incredible beer list and PRICES TO MY LIKING. Duvel for 30 Eeks, Other Belgium beer for 30 to 35 Eeks. The most expensive beers on the list at 40 Eeks were the Imperalist American imports, Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada. The real Budvar from Czech Republic was only 25 Eeks. I might have to make it back to Hell Hunt, but the old town in Estonia has tons of pubs, so I will be strapping on my 2nd liver tonight.
Another observation at the 2nd bar I went Havana Cafe, and yes they sell Cuban Cigars and fine scotch, might have to act like Tracy Morgan from SNL and partake in some luxury. Yet I dont think the message has made it to Estonia, that Men dont dance in packs with other men. At least not the type of places I am used to going out to. Yet when finally a song that I know comes on, Axel F (remix), it clears out the dance floor, so I guess its all about the Estonia pop music.
Had a great breakfast at this place Pegasus, how come the bottle of Evian(I know i´m all uppity now) cost more than the rest of the meal. But still the meal was only 112 Eeks for those following at home 10 bucks. I can stay on my budget here for sure.
Technology has surely taken over the world, as Pegasus had Wifi, and among the 5 customers, 3 had laptops. We aint talking no old handme down ones either, iBooks, new slim Dells and the like. I am actually glad I didnt bring my run down, no keyboard working 400Mhz Pentium laptop, I would haev felt like a fool.
Ok off to the bus station, to see how much and how long its going to take to get to my next destination Riga, Latvia. probably leaving on Sunday for there. Pictures hopefully up later today, but most of yall back in USA are just waking up now as my watch tells me its 530am
Drink Up!
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