So for my version of Bracketology i've decided to rank 32 countries and get down to one winner. I've been more than blessed to have traveled alot of the world, while I know for sure there is more to see as heck i've never been further west of California for the mean time I'll take the 22 Countries visited on my 2006 Europe backpacking trip and throw in another 10 countries i've visited at some point in my life.. Stick em in a Bracket and away we go. I've ranked them based on the only equal issue I could think of which is population. While this is not always the most fair reason take in point Canada with its population of some 30 million gets ranked 9th overall in population. Whereas a great country like The Netherlands with 16 million people gets ranked 11th, yet the population density of the Netherlands is the highest any any place I visited while Canda with a whopping 3.2 people per square mile ranks 219 out of 230. Anyway the easiest I went with was by population...
I will do my best to have at least 3 posts per day. Criteria for determining who wins is strictly in my warped mind, so it could be anything form number of topless beaches, to the quality of the beer, from the most picturesque country to the dirtiest beaches, I hope you find it enjoyable and stay tuned..
Up tomorrow the first 2 matchups. Number 1 Seed Russia vs tiny 32 Seed Guadeloupe, along with 2 Seed Germany vs 31 Seed Luxemborug. Here is the entire Bracket stacks up..